
11月23日~26日 松戸市の和室アパート



千葉県松戸市の松戸駅前エリア半径500mを対象とした まちづくりプロジェクト「MAD City」の公式Instagramにて、松戸市在住アーティストのフィリックス・アイドルによる地域アートプロジェクト「都市再神秘化計画」が開催。千葉県松戸市の風景を3DCG加工した作品と、音楽をつけて有音化した作品を展示(投稿)予定で、これらの作品はMAD Cityの公式instagramにて10月31日(火)より公開。また、11月23日~26日の期間に松戸市の和室アパートで中古のスマートフォンとタブレットなどを使ったアッサンブラージュの展示も行われる。












“Urban Remystification Project” Statement


Bureaucratic and corporate frameworks that govern the modern landscape often define themselves in terms of instrumental rationality. The unfortunate side effect of this approach in urban planning is that places are regulated and conceptualized so efficiently for their respective purposes (speedily transporting passengers from A to B, keeping shoppers browsing for as long as possible, etcetera) that they constrict any other possibilities for spontaneity, social connection or individuality (dubbed “non-places” by sociologist Marc Augé and “junkspace” by architect Rem Koolhaas).


My “Urban Remystification Project” attempts to poke holes in the logic of the “disenchanted” cityscape by showing what appears when it is loosened, self-contradicting or absent.


I use my iPhone camera to record encounters with objects and spaces that defy the drive to constantly optimize and regulate: they may be misplaced, forgotten, discarded or use materials in ways they were never intended to. The photographs are fed through photogrammetry software to generate 3D models which I use to stage small animated vignettes, like establishing shots from a non-existent film. Doing so connects my subjects to a partially fictional world, allowing us to suspend our disbelief and entertain the possibility that what we think we know may be thrown out the window at any moment. The places are familiar and mundane yet brim with endless mystery and potential.





日程: 2023年11月23日(木)~26日(日)


〒271-0091 千葉県松戸市本町12−13 花井ビル 201号室
