身体データとバーチャル・アイデンティティの所有権|YUEN HSIEH interview




Text : JACKSON kaki


──まず基本的な情報の質問からさせてください。YUENはデジタル技術、映像などを用いて作品を作ってきました。今回も同じように3DCGの仮想世界を創造し、そのなかで引き起こされる物語のテーマとして「DIGITAL BODY COPYRIGHT」があるのですよね?


その通りです。私は個人的なプロジェクトでデジタル技術と映像を使うことにいつも情熱を注いできました。今回の『DIGITAL BODY COPYRIGHT』では、Unreal EngineとStable Diffusionを使って、未来的な仮想世界を構築しています。この物語は、デジタル時代における身体データとバーチャル・アイデンティティの所有権の問題を掘り下げ、これらの懸念から生じる倫理的・社会的課題を探求しています。


この作品の背景にあるコンセプトは、AIの急成長に深く影響を受けている。AIは多くの人間のスキルや機能を複製し、代替できるところまで進歩しており、アイデンティティ、所有権、管理について重大な問題を提起している。このような状況の中で、『DIGITAL BODY COPYRIGHT』は、私たちの身体データやバーチャルな自己が、いかにして商品化され、強力な存在によってコントロールされうるかを検証している。Unreal Engineのような高度な技術を使うことで、私たちのデジタルなアイデンティティと物理的なアイデンティティがさらに絡み合い、操作の対象となる世界に生きることの意味合いについて、観客に考えるよう促す、視覚的に没入感のある体験を作り出すことを目指しています。







鋭い質問をありがとうございます。確かに、人間のDNAをデータとして扱うという考え方と、そのようなデータが商品化される可能性は、『DIGITAL BODY COPYRIGHT』の中心的なテーマです。この物語の中で、私たちはDNAに至るまで個人データが企業に所有され、操作されうる未来の倫理的、社会的意味を探求しています。






結局のところ、『DIGITAL BODY COPYRIGHT』は、テクノロジーの進歩における倫理的配慮の重要性を警告する物語である。この映画は、データ主導の社会で生きることの意味を考え、テクノロジーが私たちの本質的な価値や権利を損なうことなく人類に貢献する未来を提唱することを視聴者に促す。












『DIGITAL BODY COPYRIGHT』では、個人の身体データが商業化され、所有権と管理に関する重大な疑問が提起される世界を想像することで、これらのアイデアを探求する。DNAを保存し記録する技術は、人間であることの本質を変える可能性がある。私たちは、このような可能性について考えを喚起し、私たちが責任と倫理を持ってこの未来を切り開く方法について対話を促したいと考えている。






個人の自律性と身体の所有権:『DIGITAL BODY COPYRIGHT』に具現化された概念を通じて、個人の自律性と、自分の身体とデータの所有権を再検討する機会がある。美容整形手術のような倫理的に重大な意味を持つ選択においては、個人の身体に関する決定権を支持すると同時に、潜在的な心理的・生理的リスクを認識することが不可欠である。




























どんな嵐の中でも、天使があなたを守ってくれますように。 ꒰ঌ ૮ ོ .- ༝ -. ོ𑁬 ໒꒱




──First, let me ask some basic information. YUEN has created works using digital technology and video, right? This time, you are also creating a virtual world with 3DCG, and the theme of the story that unfolds in it is “DIGITAL BODY COPYRIGHT,” correct?


That’s correct. I’ve always been passionate about using digital technology and video for my personal project. This time, with “Digital Body Copyright,” we are using the Unreal Engine game engine and Stable Diffusion to build a futuristic virtual world. The story delves into the issues of body data and virtual identity ownership in the digital age, exploring the ethical and societal challenges that arise from these concerns.


The concept behind this work is deeply influenced by the rapid growth of AI over the past year. AI has advanced to the point where it can replicate and replace many human skills and functions, raising significant questions about identity, ownership, and control. In this context, “Digital Body Copyright” examines how our body data and virtual selves can become commodified and controlled by powerful entities. By using advanced technologies like Unreal Engine, I aim to create a visually immersive experience that prompts viewers to reflect on the implications of living in a world where our digital and physical identities are increasingly intertwined and subject to manipulation.


Through this film, I hope to provoke thought and conversation about the rights and protections of our digital bodies and data in an era of unprecedented technological advancement.



──I have a question about the story of this project. I find it very intriguing, and I also think that treating human DNA as data is a possibility that could happen in reality. I predicted that this could lead to the idea of whether there is superiority or inferiority among humans. I believe that this kind of thinking, which connects human superiority or eugenic ideas to technological numbers, holds ethical dangers. How do you view this point?


Thank you for your insightful question. Indeed, the idea of treating human DNA as data and the potential for such data to be commodified is a central theme in “Digital Body Copyright.” In this story, we explore the ethical and societal implications of a future where personal data, even down to our DNA, can be owned and manipulated by corporations.


You raise a significant concern about the ethical dangers of associating human superiority or eugenic ideas with technological metrics. This is a critical issue that we wanted to highlight through our narrative. When technology begins to quantify and categorize human traits, it risks reinforcing or even creating new forms of discrimination and inequality. This kind of reductionist thinking can dehumanize individuals and ignore the complex, multifaceted nature of human identity.


In our story, we specifically address the dangers of such practices. By showcasing a world where body data and identity are traded as commodities, we aim to provoke thought and dialogue about the value and sanctity of human life. We highlight the potential for abuse and the need for robust ethical frameworks to protect individuals from exploitation.


Ultimately, “Digital Body Copyright” is a cautionary tale about the importance of ethical considerations in the advancement of technology. It encourages viewers to reflect on the implications of living in a data-driven society and to advocate for a future where technology serves humanity without compromising our intrinsic values and rights.



──I believe the underlying idea of this project is that DNA is preserved and recorded. This is a very important technology in the history of media. In the history of music, the ability to record and play back music fundamentally changed the nature of music itself. Similarly, when the media or technology to preserve and record DNA develops, could there be changes in the very nature of human beings?


You bring up a profound and compelling point. The ability to preserve and record DNA, much like the advent of music recording, indeed represents a significant technological milestone. In the history of music, recording and playback fundamentally transformed how music was created, distributed, and experienced. It shifted music from being an ephemeral, live experience to something that could be replicated, shared, and revisited indefinitely.


Similarly, when we consider the preservation and recording of DNA, we are looking at potentially transformative changes to the very nature of human existence. This technology could alter fundamental aspects of our identity, heredity, and even our understanding of life and death. If our genetic information can be preserved and replicated, it raises profound questions about individuality, continuity, and what it means to be human.


Such advancements could lead to significant ethical and philosophical debates. For instance, who would own this genetic information? How would it be used or potentially misused? Could it be manipulated for enhancing certain traits, leading to new forms of inequality or discrimination?


In “Digital Body Copyright,” we explore these ideas by imagining a world where personal body data is commercialized, raising critical questions about ownership and control. The technology to preserve and record DNA could indeed change the very essence of being human, presenting both incredible opportunities and daunting ethical challenges. We hope to provoke thought about these possibilities and encourage a dialogue about how we can navigate this future responsibly and ethically.



──I thought that religious and ethical views strongly influenced by the state lie in the background of ethical issues related to physical sensations. For example, in terms of physical sensations in the present day (2024), plastic surgery is culturally established in South Korea more than in other countries. I think this is based on South Korea’s ethical and religious views. Similarly, if this project were to happen in reality, how would you consider such religious and ethical views?


Individual Autonomy and Body Ownership: Through the concept embodied in “Digital Body Copyright,” there is an opportunity to reexamine individual autonomy, as well as ownership of one’s body and data. In choices like cosmetic surgery that bear significant ethical implications, it is vital to uphold an individual’s right to make decisions regarding their own body, while also acknowledging the potential psychological and physiological risks involved.


Social Values and Technological Development: With the continuous advancement of AI technology, procedures like cosmetic surgery and other body modification techniques have become increasingly prevalent and technologically sophisticated. Nevertheless, drawing insights from the concepts presented in the artwork, it is imperative to contemplate on how technology interacts with societal values. Striking a balance between technological progress and respect for traditional values is crucial.


Ethical Solutions: By engaging in in-depth discussions about the influence of religious and ethical beliefs on topics such as cosmetic surgery, we can foster a more balanced and respectful approach that considers diverse cultural backgrounds. Through education, cross-cultural exchange, and mutual respect, we can discover more inclusive and respectful avenues for ethical resolution.



──I thought this project could be managed by the state on one hand and could also be established as an underground black market business. For example, dangerous situations can be envisaged where people engaged in underground businesses like the mafia or Japanese yakuza might illegally replicate DNA using technology. Do you consider other such dangers of the black market? Or do you think there could be such stories?


The story begins in the future world of Osaka. Under the temporary neon lights of Osaka, Kaito, an ordinary street photographer, discovers a mysterious USB flash drive filled with seemingly harmless data files.


As Kaito casually opens the files, he unknowingly falls into a dangerous trap woven with surveillance, body modification, and hidden secrets. These files surprisingly contain stolen biological feature data, and a conspiracy of traded secrets quietly unfolds.


Soon, urban rumors begin to spread, suggesting that mafia and criminal organizations are deliberately replicating DNA on the black market for undisclosed purposes. Kaito finds himself in a risky and intellectually challenging situation, as he must delve deep into the underground black market to trace the origins of this data trade while protecting himself from being entangled in unknown schemes.


Meanwhile, the shadow of black market transactions begins to loom over the entire Osaka, instilling an intangible sense of fear in the people. Kaito must navigate through the black market, uncover the truth, and reveal the dark secrets concealed behind the data.


This story will expose the various dangers brought about by black market activities, not just data breaches and personal privacy violations but also involving power struggles, life-threatening situations, and struggles of free will. In this digital world filled with unknowns and dangers, Kaito will challenge his limits, uphold justice, and attempt to unravel the foggy mysteries that hold the future of the entire city at stake



──I felt that YUEN’s works reflect uncanny ideas that seem likely to happen in reality rather than creating fantastical stories in worlds like virtual reality or the metaverse. Although you have the option to create fantasies with technology like virtual reality, why do you create stories connected to reality and the physical body?


This creative choice has allowed me to not only explore human vulnerability, emotions, and thoughts but has also led me to delve into the impact of AI technology on human life. By portraying a fusion of fictional stories and real-life events, I have been able to delve into the challenges and possibilities sparked by the intersection of AI with technology and ethics.


The departure of my mother has had a profound impact on me, prompting me to focus more on the emotional connections between individuals and the meaning of life. Through the intertwining of fictional characters with real-world complexities in storytelling, I aim to explore themes of loss, mourning, and reconnection, guiding the audience on an emotional journey of contemplation.


This method of creation enables me to honestly reveal the complexity of human nature on a personal level, inspiring and deepening the audience’s profound reflections on technology, emotions, and the meaning of life. By infusing real-life emotional and spiritual aspects into the narrative, I aim to present nuanced emotional experiences and wisdom exploration, prompting the audience to contemplate the universality of human nature and emotions in the age of technology.


May an angel protect you in every storm.  .• •. 𑁬 






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