2003年3月にスペイン北東のカタルーニャ州で映画監督の母と俳優/劇作家の父の間に生まれ、10歳の頃よりYoutuberとして活動、15歳からはラップを主とした音楽活動を #Shadowpop というオリジナルの定義とともにスタート。大手レーベルに属することなくインディペンデントな活動を続けつつも、ロラパルーザやソナーといった大規模音楽フェスへの出演経験も持つ。
2023年に「Sonia Lagoon × A/V/Y/S/S MASSACRE」にてアルゼンチンのSaramalacaraとともに初来日した際には、配信チャンネルに通常時の数十倍もの視聴者が集い、オンラインとオフラインで異なりつつも重なり合う熱狂を巻き起こした。
今回AVYSSでは、そんな(日本語圏においてのみ)知られざるスター・Rojuuに13の質問を送った。日本文化への愛、東京で過ごして感じたこと、スパニッシュ・オルタナティブと日本のシーンの違い、主催パーティー〈Starina Club〉について、#Shadowpopとクラウド・ラップとハイパーポップ、Vex Veilや日本の友人たちとの出会い、そして未来? 日本語圏初のインタビュー。
Question & Text : NordOst / Hiroto Matsushima
Q1. あなたが日本のポップ・カルチャーやサブカルチャーについて興味を持ったのはいつごろからですか? きっかけも含め教えてください。
Q2. あなたは東京に2023年、そして2024〜2025年と、2度にわたり長期滞在しています。その理由を教えてください。
Q3. スペインを離れて東京で過ごす中で、何か気づいたことや感じたことがあれば教えてください。
Q4. ハイパーポップやクラブカルチャーに限らず、スペインのオルタナティブな音楽文化の魅力や特徴について教えてください。
Q5. 今、スペイン周辺の音楽シーンで注目しているアーティストは?
同世代のアーティストがどんどん出てくるけど、僕はもうベテランみたいな気分。『ロード・オブ・ザ・リング』 のガンダルフみたいな……いや、それも悪くないかな(笑)。昔から木みたいになりたかったし。
Q6. スペインのオルタナティブな音楽文化やクラブカルチャーは、東京とはどんな違いがあると思いますか?
Q7. 先日、東京のクラブ・新宿SPACEでパーティーシリーズ「Starina Club」が初のアジア編を開催しました。あなたの主催する「Starina Club」とはどのようなパーティーなのでしょうか?
Rojuu:「Starina Club」は、もともとバルセロナで始めたパーティーで、コミュニティを作るためのものだった。暗い美学を持つ僕たち世代が、自分たちの居場所だとリアルに感じられる空間を作りたかったんだ。僕たちはみんなネットの中で育って、同じような価値観を持ってる。だから、そういう人たちが集まって「ここが自分の場所だ」と思えるパーティーをやるのは、自然な流れだった。
このカードを渡すのが「死神(La Muerte)」と呼ばれるキャラクターで、全身白い衣装を着て、杖を持ってる。夜の間に5回だけ現れて、それぞれのカードを「ふさわしい持ち主」に渡すんだ。ランダムじゃなくて、たとえば「悪魔(Demon)」のカードはその夜一番ぶっ飛んでる人へ、「隠者(Hermit)」のカードは一番静かに楽しんでる人へ、みたいな感じでね。
バルセロナで「Starina Club」の形をしっかり固めたら、次は世界に展開していきたいなと思って。でも、ただ安易に拡げるんじゃなくて、本質を失わずに届けたかったんだ。
Q8. 東京で「Starina Club」を開催して、どんなことを感じましたか?
Rojuu:あの夜はマジで魔法みたいだった! 初めて東京に来てクラブを回ったときに観たDJたちが本当に衝撃的で、「この人たちをブッキングしたい」ってずっと思ってて。それが、今回の東京版「Starina Club」でついに実現したんだ。
Starina Club東京編で配布されたカード(悪魔)
Q9. 〈Starina Club〉の東京編では、日本のユニット・Vex Veilとのコラボレーションも披露されました。彼らとはどのように知り合い、楽曲「Angels Playstation」を制作したのでしょうか? エピソードなどがあれば教えてください。
Rojuu:Vex Veilとは2023年の終わり頃に出会ったんだけど、彼らのライブを初めて見たとき、マジで言葉を失った。ちょうど友達のパートナーが紹介してくれて、それから何度か一緒に遊ぶようになったんだ。それである日、Vexのふたりが「一緒にやろう」って誘ってくれて、僕は即OKして。彼らのサウンドは本当に天才的だし、ずっとファンだったからね。
それからしばらくMVの話を聞かなくて、「まぁ、そのうち完成するだろうな〜」くらいに思ってたんだけど、ある日ついにYouTubeで公開されて。で、友達のリノ (BASiRiNO)と一緒に観てたんだけど……僕のシーン、いつまで経っても一切出てこなくて(笑)。マジで爆笑した。まあ、結果的に完璧だったからいいかな!
Q10. 自身の音楽を「#Shadowpop」と定義されていますが、特に「悲しさ」や「儚さ」、「神聖さ」を感じさせる要素が強いように思います。楽曲制作の際に意識していることはありますか?
Q11. 「#Shadowpop」の音楽性は、近年のクラウドラップのリバイバルとも関係が深いように感じます。この流れをどのように捉えていますか?
Q12. ハイパーポップ以降のスペイン語圏のオルタナティブ音楽シーンにおいて、あなたは先駆者的な存在とも言われています。このことについて、どう考えていますか?
Rojuu:僕、ずっとただのYouTubeオタクだったんだよね。漫画、クリーピーパスタ、ゲーム、Lil Uzi Vertとか……ほんとにネットの世界で育った。だから、音楽を作るのもただ楽しくてやってただけで、深く考えてたわけじゃなかった。心の中にあるものを形にする手段としてね。
でも、そしたらいつの間にか「ハイパーポップ」ってラベルを貼られてた(笑)。最初は別に気にしてなかったんだけど、実際のところ、僕のルーツはSOPHIEやCharli XCXじゃない。彼女たちの音楽は好きだけど、僕はYung LeanとかCecilio G.で育ったんだよね。だから、僕のスタイルは #Shadowpop ってことにしようと思って。
そもそもハイパーポップって、もともとクィアカルチャーと深く結びついたムーブメントで、僕らとはまたちょっと違うところから来てるよね? でも、スペイン語圏では僕らの音楽が「ハイパーポップ」として広まっちゃったから、それはそれで受け入れることにした。
たとえば #WhiteDoraemon を僕がリリースしたとき、これを人々がどう定義するかなんて考えていなかったし、別に今も気にしない。結局、ジャンルとか定義って後からついてくるものだし、僕はただ自分が好きな音楽を作ってるだけ。もし何年後かに僕らの音楽が別の名前で呼ばれるようになってても、それが誰かの楽しみになるなら、それでいいと思ってる。あるいは、僕らは「スペイン語の疑似ハイパーポップ」の古い開拓者みたいな存在で終わるのかもしれないけど、まあ、どうでもいいかな——僕は隠者みたいなものだから(笑)。
Q13. アルバム『Starina』を同名のパーティー・シリーズ化したり、25曲入の『Los sueños de Nube』では自作の長編漫画とセットでリリースしたりと、作品のリリース形態にもRojuu独自の創造性を感じます。一方で、Evilgiane(surfgang)とのコラボ曲「Family Mart」のように、現行のヒップホップ・シーンと呼応するようなスピード感のシングルもリリースしています。もし次にまとまったプロジェクトを発表するとしたら、どのような作品になると思いますか?
僕のオーディエンスと彼のオーディエンスを一つにして、それを僕の頭の中でミックスする。それって、突然空に巨大なタコが現れて、世界中の都市を覆い尽くすような感覚なんだよ。「なんだ今の!?」みたいな衝撃。「え、お前も見たの!? モスクワにいるのに? ヤバすぎ!」みたいな感じでさ(笑)。そういうものが世界中のキッズの心に刺さるんだと思う。言葉が分からなくても、フィーリングで通じるからね。
Q1. When did you first become interested in Japanese pop culture and subculture? Please include what sparked your interest.
Rojuu : I grew up in Catalonia, a region in the northeast of Spain where Catalan is the main language. Back in the day, the go-to kids’ TV channel was all in Catalan, and they had a bunch of anime shows—Doraemon, Shin-chan, Inuyasha, Detective Conan, Ninja Hattori, Dr. Slump (Arale), you name it. Growing up on that stuff got me hooked on Japanese culture and art from a super young age.
For my 6th birthday, my dad got me my first-ever manga: Soul Eater (Vol. 1) and One Piece (Vol. 1). I read Soul Eater first, but once I got into One Piece, it was game over—I was obsessed. That series fully pulled me into the manga world, and I’ve been a die-hard fan ever since. I even started learning Japanese around that time.
Also, omg i almost forget bout Chihiro and Totoro, my childhood movies. Chihiro is my fav movie ever.
Q2. You have stayed in Tokyo for long periods, both in 2023 and again in 2024-2025. Could you tell us the reason for these stays?
Rojuu : Man, I’m straight-up obsessed with Tokyo. The whole city is just a creative overload—art is everywhere, from street signs to store mascots to ads. It’s like the place breathes design. Coming back home after soaking all that in makes it so much easier to create and draw.
It’s also one of the few places where I feel completely at peace. No one’s in your business, and you’re not in theirs. Everything in the city is built with purpose—every little detail is fine-tuned to work just right. I love just hopping on my bike and spending the entire day riding around, taking it all in.
Tokyo isn’t just ahead of the curve—it sets the curve. Trends don’t just land here first; they’re born here. Every time I’m in the city, I feel like I’m learning non-stop.
Q3. Could you share your thoughts on leaving Spain and spending time in Tokyo? If there’s anything you’ve noticed or realized in your daily life, please feel free to elaborate.
Rojuu : Dipping out of Spain and spending time in Japan was like holding up a mirror to myself—I finally saw who I was and what I actually wanted. When you’re alone in a massive city like Tokyo, you’re kinda forced to look inward. I’m the type of person who needs my own space to stay sane, and living there gave me the time to fine-tune my sense of self. It was like stepping outside my own head and seeing myself from a whole new angle.
Tokyo is the kind of place where there’s always something crazy going on. I stayed restless, kept to myself, and just kept moving—until I finally shaped a version of me that actually made sense.
Q4. Could you tell me about the appeal and characteristics of the current alternative music culture in Spain, not just in hyperpop and club culture?
Rojuu : I think the main difference between alternative music in Spain and Japan is how mainstream it gets. In Spain, a lot of artists start in the alt scene but eventually blow up and turn into some of the biggest names in the industry—not just in Spain, but all over Latin America and even the U.S. The underground here doesn’t always stay underground.
Japan, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to have as many alternative artists breaking out internationally. Even though Japan has way more people than Spain, the difference is that Spain’s music scene gets a massive boost from nearly all of Latin America backing it. Same stuff happens with english-speakers artists tho.
Q5. Who are the artists or figures in Spain’s music scene that you are paying attention to?
Rojuu : Right now, the Spanish underground and mainstream-alt scene is in a weird spot—super sharp but also way oversaturated with a lot of empty, samey-sounding stuff. It’s an interesting time to be in the mix. Even though I’m the same age as the rookies, I’ve been in this game long enough to feel like an old man or a vet or a gandalf buddy. i like it tho, i always wanted to be a tree
Gotta shout out some artists really pushing things forward: Granuxi, Mejiias, R8venge, and Tarchi. Also, big love to the PILF crew from Argentina—Stiffy, Agusfortnite2008, Zell, and Turrobaby. Straight-up monsters.
Q6. How do you think the alternative music culture and club culture in Spain differ from those in Tokyo?
Rojuu : Tokyo just has way more going on—so many parties, events, and subcultures all thriving at the same time. You can always find something that fits your vibe.
Spain has fewer venues and fewer events overall, but the big ones usually hit hard in terms of quality. Honestly, you can have a blast in both places—it just depends on what you’re looking for.
Q7. Recently, the first Asia edition of your party series, Starina Club, was held at SPACE in Shinjuku, Tokyo. Could you tell us more about Starina and what kind of party series it is?
Rojuu : Starina Club started in Barcelona as a way to build a community—a space with a real identity for a whole generation of kids with a dark aesthetic. We all grew up on the internet, raised the same way, so having a party where people like us could meet up and feel like we belonged just made sense.
Over time, we refined the party and added our own signature elements to make it one of a kind. One of the biggest was a deck of tarot-inspired cards, illustrated by me, that we handed out to people during the event. Each card gave its owner a special “power,” like free drinks or VIP access. The cards were handed out by La Muerte (Death)—this figure in all white, carrying a scepter, appearing five times throughout the night to give each card to its rightful owner. And it wasn’t random—the Demon card went to the wildest person in the crowd, the Hermit to the most lowkey, and so on.
Once we locked down Starina in Barcelona, the next goal was to take it global—without losing what makes it special.
Q8. What did you feel or enjoy when hosting Starina in Japan?
Rojuu : That night was straight-up magic. The first time I came to Tokyo and started hitting the clubs, I saw DJs that completely blew my mind. I’d always dreamed of booking them for a Starina lineup, and that night, it finally happened. The lineup was perfect.
Q9. During the Tokyo edition of Starina Club, there was a collaboration with the Japanese unit Vex Veil. How did you meet them, and how did you create the track “Angels Playstation”? If there are any interesting stories behind this, please share!
Rojuu : I met Vex Veil in late 2023, and their live set left me speechless. A friend’s partner introduced us, and we ended up going out together a lot after that.
At some point, Vex suggested we link up, and I said yes immediately—I’m a huge fan of their sound, they’re straight-up geniuses. We actually shot the music video before we even had a song—just a beat. It was in a park near Harajuku, and I recorded my vocals later in Barcelona, literally on my phone, sometime around mid-2024.
After that, I didn’t hear anything about the video for ages—until one day, i first seen it when it came out in YouTube. I was watching it with my friend Rino, waiting for my part to show up… but it never did. I was dying at laugh. It was such a bizarre moment, but honestly, the video turned out perfect as is. My scene wasn’t even needed, haha
Q10. You define your own music as #Shadowpop. What do you focus on in your sound-making process, especially when it comes to the emotions of sadness, sometimes showing a sense of fleetingness or holiness?
Rojuu : I see sadness as this huge, endless sea—calm, but deep. If you stand at the shore or swim near it, a gate opens up in the sky, linking straight to the world of ideas. Concepts start falling through, feeding your inspiration. It’s like your soul and heart syncing up with your mind, so that, together with your talent, they can bring your imagination to life.
To me, ShadowPop is the clearest form of creation—it’s about diving into sadness and dressing it up with your own tools. That’s my art.
Q11. While it’s clear that Rojuu’s music is #Shadowpop, I personally feel it’s also closely related to the revival of cloud rap in recent years. How do you view this trend?
Rojuu : Cloud rap is our father. We’re children of the internet. The OGs of cloud rap came up during the transition into the digital world—they merged it with the rap culture they already knew. But for us? We grew up with both the internet and cloud rap already fully formed. It was just part of the landscape.
At the end of the day, creation is all about mixing. This new wave of kids is taking cloud rap and blending it with the chaotic, trashy aesthetics of the internet, turning it into this massive melting pot of references, emotions, sadness, and memes—all of it showing up in the music. The core of cloud rap is still there, but this new generation is giving it a whole new vibe.
Q12. There may be differing opinions, but it’s undeniable that you have played a role in pioneering the alternative music scene in the Spanish-speaking world post-hyperpop. Can you elaborate on your thoughts on this?
Rojuu : Man, I’ve always been a YouTube nerd—manga, creepypastas, video games, Lil Uzi Vert. I grew up on the internet; I’m its child. We made music ‘cause it was fun, just a way to put out whatever our hearts were feeling. We were just kids doing what we loved.
When COVID lockdowns hit, a lot of people had no choice but to pick up new hobbies. But these were the same things my friends and I had always been into. I think that’s why so many new people started connecting with me—hobbies bring people together, and suddenly, strangers felt like they related to me.
Then, out of nowhere, people started labeling us as Hyperpop. I guess they needed a tag to make sense of it all. At first, I didn’t care—let ‘em call it whatever, I’m just doing my thing. But truth is, my influences weren’t SOPHIE or Charli XCX. I fuck with their music heavy, but I grew up on Yung Lean and Cecilio G.. That’s why I started calling my wave ShadowPop.
hyperpop has deep queer roots—it comes from a different place than what shaped us. But in the Spanish-speaking scene, our sound got lumped into Hyperpop so much that it just stuck with the masses. I don’t think it’s wrong; it’s just another branch of it. I’m just doing my own thing—call it whatever you want, call us whatever you want. Some people hear this sound and instantly put our faces on it—hell yeah, I think that’s dope.
When I dropped #WhiteDoraemon, I wasn’t thinking about how people would define it. And when I drop new music, I still don’t. Maybe in a few years, they’ll come up with some label we never even thought of—but if that helps people have fun and understand us, that’s a hell yeah from me. Or maybe we’ll just end up as the old pioneers of this pseudo-Hyperpop in Spanish. Whatever, man—we’re hermits at the end of the day.
Q13. Your album Starina was made into a party series with the same name, and in Los sueños de Nube, you compiled a long-form manga with 25 tracks, showing your unique creativity in the way you release works. On the other hand, you’ve also responded to the fast-paced rap scene, as seen in the single collaboration with Evilgiane (surfgang), “Family Mart.” If you were to release another cohesive project, what kind of work do you think it would be?
Rojuu : I think being disruptive is key no matter what you do. You gotta shake things up with every step you take—to keep yourself entertained, to learn, to grow, and to actually reach your goals. Being disruptive is like being a magician; disruptive moves lock people in.
Same goes for projects. I feel like every project I drop needs to be born with a marked death—a grand finale that shifts the board. The link-up with Evilgiane is a disruptive move. We’re both obsessed with drawing, and this EP feels like tripping on acid with your homies and painting a huge canvas. Bringing his audience and mine together, merging them inside my head, feels like a massive octopus suddenly appearing in the sky over every major city. Like—fuck, what the hell was that? I’ll never forget it! And then—“Oh, you saw it too?? But you live in Moscow?? That’s insane! It inspired me!! It inspired you too?? Wah!”
That’s what I feel this can do for kids all over the world. Even if you don’t speak Spanish, you can still fuck with it.
Right now, I’m working on a mixtape called inuinuinu. We started it in mid-2024, and we’re still at it. It’s my current self—I’ve changed a lot since I started. I’m 22 now, I’ve got two dogs, and that’s been a huge motivation. It made me wanna seal a whole new aesthetic that matches who I am now. My love for dogs? I want that to live forever. I wanna make them a core part of my being ‘cause they fill my heart. I know there are kids out there who’ll connect with this—visually, sonically, emotionally.
At the end of the day, it’s all about being yourself and seeing who resonates with that.
I’ve also been painting a lot more lately. That might shape where I go next. Whatever happens, I just hope I have fun along the way.
MVはjvnpeyが手掛けた EfeewmaとNpilo Npiloによるサグ・ウィッチ・ユニットVex Veilが、スペインのRojuuを客演に迎えた新曲「Angels Playstation (feat. Rojuu)」をリリース。本楽曲は2月に開催されたRojuu主催〈Starina Club〉のアジア初開催となる東京公演でも披露された。 「Angels Playstation」はデジタルデバイスの無機質さのなかに宿る神聖さに美を見出した作品。ジャンクな感覚のままに啓示を受けるような相反する感覚が全編に漂い、ユーフォリックな世界観のなかでドラスティックな展開が繰り広げられるトランス・ナンバー。Rojuuのリリックでは愛について歌われているとのこと。 また、リリースに際しヴィジュアルアーティストのjvnpeyが監督を務めたMVもCHAVURLのチャンネルにて公開中。MF DOOMを思わせる甲冑をバラクラバの上から身に着けた騎士と黒ずくめの悪魔が、ライトセーバーと呪具で対峙して火花を散らすショートムービー。 Vex Veil – Angels Playstation (feat. Rojuu) Release Date : February 14, 2025 Stream : https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/vexveil/angels-playstation-feat-rojuu
BABYNYMPHとのコラボに続く新曲 Chase Iconが、先月リリースされたBABYNYMPHとのコラボシングル「NEMESIS」に続く新曲「Life Alert」をリリース。プロデュースはRobokid、カバーアートはPaisleigh Lynneが手掛けている。 2021年1月にシングル「SRS」によってデビューを果たしたChase Iconは、2020年からTikTokなどソーシャルメディアを通して広く認知されるようになり、メディアからは「インターネットの永遠のムード」とも称されている。VICE、PAPER、i-DでもChase Iconの特集が組まれ、ノンバイナリーエンジェルDJ・Luloが主催するLAのパーティー「HEAV3N」や、国際トランスジェンダー認知の日にApple Music 1で放送されたSOPHIEのトリビュートプログラムにArca、Dorian Electraと共に出演するなど、その存在は急速に注目が高まってきている。 Chase Icon – Life Alert Release date : 16 June 2021 Stream : https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/chaseicon/life-alert
プロデュースはSpace Candy 2021年1月にシングル「SRS」によってデビューを果たしたポップアイコンChase Iconが、2ndシングル「I’m Perfect」をリリース。 Chase Iconは、2020年からTikTokなどソーシャルメディアを通して認知されており、メディアからは「インターネットの永遠のムード」とも称されていた。2020年6月には日本のアニメに大きな影響を受けたポップアーティストKyunchiとのパラパラ・シングル「Lice」をリリースを経て、2021年1月にはデビューシングル「SRS」をリリース。冒頭でレディー・ガガの言葉をサンプリング、中盤には強烈なサイコブレイクダウンを展開し、希望と狂気が混在する楽曲に仕上がっていた。また、先日の国際トランスジェンダー認知の日には、Apple Music 1で放送された故SOPHIEのトリビュートプログラムにもArca、Dorian Electraと共に出演している。 前作に引き続き今作もプロデュースは、〈DESKPOP〉からの作品リリースやrecovery girl、AMARA ctk100のリミックスを手掛けるプロデューサーSpace Candyが担当。性別再割当手術(SRS)を経て、完璧な自分を手にしたChase Iconの物語は今後どのような広がりを見せるのか。 Chase Icon – I’m Perfect Release date : 15 April 2021 Stream : https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/chaseicon/im-perfect
2003年3月にスペイン北東のカタルーニャ州で映画監督の母と俳優/劇作家の父の間に生まれ、10歳の頃よりYoutuberとして活動、15歳からはラップを主とした音楽活動を #Shadowpop というオリジナルの定義とともにスタート。大手レーベルに属することなくインディペンデントな活動を続けつつも、ロラパルーザやソナーといった大規模音楽フェスへの出演経験も持つ。
2023年に「Sonia Lagoon × A/V/Y/S/S MASSACRE」にてアルゼンチンのSaramalacaraとともに初来日した際には、配信チャンネルに通常時の数十倍もの視聴者が集い、オンラインとオフラインで異なりつつも重なり合う熱狂を巻き起こした。
今回AVYSSでは、そんな(日本語圏においてのみ)知られざるスター・Rojuuに13の質問を送った。日本文化への愛、東京で過ごして感じたこと、スパニッシュ・オルタナティブと日本のシーンの違い、主催パーティー〈Starina Club〉について、#Shadowpopとクラウド・ラップとハイパーポップ、Vex Veilや日本の友人たちとの出会い、そして未来? 日本語圏初のインタビュー。
Question & Text : NordOst / Hiroto Matsushima
Q1. あなたが日本のポップ・カルチャーやサブカルチャーについて興味を持ったのはいつごろからですか? きっかけも含め教えてください。
Q2. あなたは東京に2023年、そして2024〜2025年と、2度にわたり長期滞在しています。その理由を教えてください。
Q3. スペインを離れて東京で過ごす中で、何か気づいたことや感じたことがあれば教えてください。
Q4. ハイパーポップやクラブカルチャーに限らず、スペインのオルタナティブな音楽文化の魅力や特徴について教えてください。
Q5. 今、スペイン周辺の音楽シーンで注目しているアーティストは?
同世代のアーティストがどんどん出てくるけど、僕はもうベテランみたいな気分。『ロード・オブ・ザ・リング』 のガンダルフみたいな……いや、それも悪くないかな(笑)。昔から木みたいになりたかったし。
Q6. スペインのオルタナティブな音楽文化やクラブカルチャーは、東京とはどんな違いがあると思いますか?
Q7. 先日、東京のクラブ・新宿SPACEでパーティーシリーズ「Starina Club」が初のアジア編を開催しました。あなたの主催する「Starina Club」とはどのようなパーティーなのでしょうか?
Rojuu:「Starina Club」は、もともとバルセロナで始めたパーティーで、コミュニティを作るためのものだった。暗い美学を持つ僕たち世代が、自分たちの居場所だとリアルに感じられる空間を作りたかったんだ。僕たちはみんなネットの中で育って、同じような価値観を持ってる。だから、そういう人たちが集まって「ここが自分の場所だ」と思えるパーティーをやるのは、自然な流れだった。
このカードを渡すのが「死神(La Muerte)」と呼ばれるキャラクターで、全身白い衣装を着て、杖を持ってる。夜の間に5回だけ現れて、それぞれのカードを「ふさわしい持ち主」に渡すんだ。ランダムじゃなくて、たとえば「悪魔(Demon)」のカードはその夜一番ぶっ飛んでる人へ、「隠者(Hermit)」のカードは一番静かに楽しんでる人へ、みたいな感じでね。
バルセロナで「Starina Club」の形をしっかり固めたら、次は世界に展開していきたいなと思って。でも、ただ安易に拡げるんじゃなくて、本質を失わずに届けたかったんだ。
Q8. 東京で「Starina Club」を開催して、どんなことを感じましたか?
Rojuu:あの夜はマジで魔法みたいだった! 初めて東京に来てクラブを回ったときに観たDJたちが本当に衝撃的で、「この人たちをブッキングしたい」ってずっと思ってて。それが、今回の東京版「Starina Club」でついに実現したんだ。
Starina Club東京編で配布されたカード(悪魔)
Q9. 〈Starina Club〉の東京編では、日本のユニット・Vex Veilとのコラボレーションも披露されました。彼らとはどのように知り合い、楽曲「Angels Playstation」を制作したのでしょうか? エピソードなどがあれば教えてください。
Rojuu:Vex Veilとは2023年の終わり頃に出会ったんだけど、彼らのライブを初めて見たとき、マジで言葉を失った。ちょうど友達のパートナーが紹介してくれて、それから何度か一緒に遊ぶようになったんだ。それである日、Vexのふたりが「一緒にやろう」って誘ってくれて、僕は即OKして。彼らのサウンドは本当に天才的だし、ずっとファンだったからね。
それからしばらくMVの話を聞かなくて、「まぁ、そのうち完成するだろうな〜」くらいに思ってたんだけど、ある日ついにYouTubeで公開されて。で、友達のリノ (BASiRiNO)と一緒に観てたんだけど……僕のシーン、いつまで経っても一切出てこなくて(笑)。マジで爆笑した。まあ、結果的に完璧だったからいいかな!
Q10. 自身の音楽を「#Shadowpop」と定義されていますが、特に「悲しさ」や「儚さ」、「神聖さ」を感じさせる要素が強いように思います。楽曲制作の際に意識していることはありますか?
Q11. 「#Shadowpop」の音楽性は、近年のクラウドラップのリバイバルとも関係が深いように感じます。この流れをどのように捉えていますか?
Q12. ハイパーポップ以降のスペイン語圏のオルタナティブ音楽シーンにおいて、あなたは先駆者的な存在とも言われています。このことについて、どう考えていますか?
Rojuu:僕、ずっとただのYouTubeオタクだったんだよね。漫画、クリーピーパスタ、ゲーム、Lil Uzi Vertとか……ほんとにネットの世界で育った。だから、音楽を作るのもただ楽しくてやってただけで、深く考えてたわけじゃなかった。心の中にあるものを形にする手段としてね。
でも、そしたらいつの間にか「ハイパーポップ」ってラベルを貼られてた(笑)。最初は別に気にしてなかったんだけど、実際のところ、僕のルーツはSOPHIEやCharli XCXじゃない。彼女たちの音楽は好きだけど、僕はYung LeanとかCecilio G.で育ったんだよね。だから、僕のスタイルは #Shadowpop ってことにしようと思って。
そもそもハイパーポップって、もともとクィアカルチャーと深く結びついたムーブメントで、僕らとはまたちょっと違うところから来てるよね? でも、スペイン語圏では僕らの音楽が「ハイパーポップ」として広まっちゃったから、それはそれで受け入れることにした。
たとえば #WhiteDoraemon を僕がリリースしたとき、これを人々がどう定義するかなんて考えていなかったし、別に今も気にしない。結局、ジャンルとか定義って後からついてくるものだし、僕はただ自分が好きな音楽を作ってるだけ。もし何年後かに僕らの音楽が別の名前で呼ばれるようになってても、それが誰かの楽しみになるなら、それでいいと思ってる。あるいは、僕らは「スペイン語の疑似ハイパーポップ」の古い開拓者みたいな存在で終わるのかもしれないけど、まあ、どうでもいいかな——僕は隠者みたいなものだから(笑)。
Q13. アルバム『Starina』を同名のパーティー・シリーズ化したり、25曲入の『Los sueños de Nube』では自作の長編漫画とセットでリリースしたりと、作品のリリース形態にもRojuu独自の創造性を感じます。一方で、Evilgiane(surfgang)とのコラボ曲「Family Mart」のように、現行のヒップホップ・シーンと呼応するようなスピード感のシングルもリリースしています。もし次にまとまったプロジェクトを発表するとしたら、どのような作品になると思いますか?
僕のオーディエンスと彼のオーディエンスを一つにして、それを僕の頭の中でミックスする。それって、突然空に巨大なタコが現れて、世界中の都市を覆い尽くすような感覚なんだよ。「なんだ今の!?」みたいな衝撃。「え、お前も見たの!? モスクワにいるのに? ヤバすぎ!」みたいな感じでさ(笑)。そういうものが世界中のキッズの心に刺さるんだと思う。言葉が分からなくても、フィーリングで通じるからね。
Q1. When did you first become interested in Japanese pop culture and subculture? Please include what sparked your interest.
Rojuu : I grew up in Catalonia, a region in the northeast of Spain where Catalan is the main language. Back in the day, the go-to kids’ TV channel was all in Catalan, and they had a bunch of anime shows—Doraemon, Shin-chan, Inuyasha, Detective Conan, Ninja Hattori, Dr. Slump (Arale), you name it. Growing up on that stuff got me hooked on Japanese culture and art from a super young age.
For my 6th birthday, my dad got me my first-ever manga: Soul Eater (Vol. 1) and One Piece (Vol. 1). I read Soul Eater first, but once I got into One Piece, it was game over—I was obsessed. That series fully pulled me into the manga world, and I’ve been a die-hard fan ever since. I even started learning Japanese around that time.
Also, omg i almost forget bout Chihiro and Totoro, my childhood movies. Chihiro is my fav movie ever.
Q2. You have stayed in Tokyo for long periods, both in 2023 and again in 2024-2025. Could you tell us the reason for these stays?
Rojuu : Man, I’m straight-up obsessed with Tokyo. The whole city is just a creative overload—art is everywhere, from street signs to store mascots to ads. It’s like the place breathes design. Coming back home after soaking all that in makes it so much easier to create and draw.
It’s also one of the few places where I feel completely at peace. No one’s in your business, and you’re not in theirs. Everything in the city is built with purpose—every little detail is fine-tuned to work just right. I love just hopping on my bike and spending the entire day riding around, taking it all in.
Tokyo isn’t just ahead of the curve—it sets the curve. Trends don’t just land here first; they’re born here. Every time I’m in the city, I feel like I’m learning non-stop.
Q3. Could you share your thoughts on leaving Spain and spending time in Tokyo? If there’s anything you’ve noticed or realized in your daily life, please feel free to elaborate.
Rojuu : Dipping out of Spain and spending time in Japan was like holding up a mirror to myself—I finally saw who I was and what I actually wanted. When you’re alone in a massive city like Tokyo, you’re kinda forced to look inward. I’m the type of person who needs my own space to stay sane, and living there gave me the time to fine-tune my sense of self. It was like stepping outside my own head and seeing myself from a whole new angle.
Tokyo is the kind of place where there’s always something crazy going on. I stayed restless, kept to myself, and just kept moving—until I finally shaped a version of me that actually made sense.
Q4. Could you tell me about the appeal and characteristics of the current alternative music culture in Spain, not just in hyperpop and club culture?
Rojuu : I think the main difference between alternative music in Spain and Japan is how mainstream it gets. In Spain, a lot of artists start in the alt scene but eventually blow up and turn into some of the biggest names in the industry—not just in Spain, but all over Latin America and even the U.S. The underground here doesn’t always stay underground.
Japan, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to have as many alternative artists breaking out internationally. Even though Japan has way more people than Spain, the difference is that Spain’s music scene gets a massive boost from nearly all of Latin America backing it. Same stuff happens with english-speakers artists tho.
Q5. Who are the artists or figures in Spain’s music scene that you are paying attention to?
Rojuu : Right now, the Spanish underground and mainstream-alt scene is in a weird spot—super sharp but also way oversaturated with a lot of empty, samey-sounding stuff. It’s an interesting time to be in the mix. Even though I’m the same age as the rookies, I’ve been in this game long enough to feel like an old man or a vet or a gandalf buddy. i like it tho, i always wanted to be a tree
Gotta shout out some artists really pushing things forward: Granuxi, Mejiias, R8venge, and Tarchi. Also, big love to the PILF crew from Argentina—Stiffy, Agusfortnite2008, Zell, and Turrobaby. Straight-up monsters.
Q6. How do you think the alternative music culture and club culture in Spain differ from those in Tokyo?
Rojuu : Tokyo just has way more going on—so many parties, events, and subcultures all thriving at the same time. You can always find something that fits your vibe.
Spain has fewer venues and fewer events overall, but the big ones usually hit hard in terms of quality. Honestly, you can have a blast in both places—it just depends on what you’re looking for.
Q7. Recently, the first Asia edition of your party series, Starina Club, was held at SPACE in Shinjuku, Tokyo. Could you tell us more about Starina and what kind of party series it is?
Rojuu : Starina Club started in Barcelona as a way to build a community—a space with a real identity for a whole generation of kids with a dark aesthetic. We all grew up on the internet, raised the same way, so having a party where people like us could meet up and feel like we belonged just made sense.
Over time, we refined the party and added our own signature elements to make it one of a kind. One of the biggest was a deck of tarot-inspired cards, illustrated by me, that we handed out to people during the event. Each card gave its owner a special “power,” like free drinks or VIP access. The cards were handed out by La Muerte (Death)—this figure in all white, carrying a scepter, appearing five times throughout the night to give each card to its rightful owner. And it wasn’t random—the Demon card went to the wildest person in the crowd, the Hermit to the most lowkey, and so on.
Once we locked down Starina in Barcelona, the next goal was to take it global—without losing what makes it special.
Q8. What did you feel or enjoy when hosting Starina in Japan?
Rojuu : That night was straight-up magic. The first time I came to Tokyo and started hitting the clubs, I saw DJs that completely blew my mind. I’d always dreamed of booking them for a Starina lineup, and that night, it finally happened. The lineup was perfect.
Q9. During the Tokyo edition of Starina Club, there was a collaboration with the Japanese unit Vex Veil. How did you meet them, and how did you create the track “Angels Playstation”? If there are any interesting stories behind this, please share!
Rojuu : I met Vex Veil in late 2023, and their live set left me speechless. A friend’s partner introduced us, and we ended up going out together a lot after that.
At some point, Vex suggested we link up, and I said yes immediately—I’m a huge fan of their sound, they’re straight-up geniuses. We actually shot the music video before we even had a song—just a beat. It was in a park near Harajuku, and I recorded my vocals later in Barcelona, literally on my phone, sometime around mid-2024.
After that, I didn’t hear anything about the video for ages—until one day, i first seen it when it came out in YouTube. I was watching it with my friend Rino, waiting for my part to show up… but it never did. I was dying at laugh. It was such a bizarre moment, but honestly, the video turned out perfect as is. My scene wasn’t even needed, haha
Q10. You define your own music as #Shadowpop. What do you focus on in your sound-making process, especially when it comes to the emotions of sadness, sometimes showing a sense of fleetingness or holiness?
Rojuu : I see sadness as this huge, endless sea—calm, but deep. If you stand at the shore or swim near it, a gate opens up in the sky, linking straight to the world of ideas. Concepts start falling through, feeding your inspiration. It’s like your soul and heart syncing up with your mind, so that, together with your talent, they can bring your imagination to life.
To me, ShadowPop is the clearest form of creation—it’s about diving into sadness and dressing it up with your own tools. That’s my art.
Q11. While it’s clear that Rojuu’s music is #Shadowpop, I personally feel it’s also closely related to the revival of cloud rap in recent years. How do you view this trend?
Rojuu : Cloud rap is our father. We’re children of the internet. The OGs of cloud rap came up during the transition into the digital world—they merged it with the rap culture they already knew. But for us? We grew up with both the internet and cloud rap already fully formed. It was just part of the landscape.
At the end of the day, creation is all about mixing. This new wave of kids is taking cloud rap and blending it with the chaotic, trashy aesthetics of the internet, turning it into this massive melting pot of references, emotions, sadness, and memes—all of it showing up in the music. The core of cloud rap is still there, but this new generation is giving it a whole new vibe.
Q12. There may be differing opinions, but it’s undeniable that you have played a role in pioneering the alternative music scene in the Spanish-speaking world post-hyperpop. Can you elaborate on your thoughts on this?
Rojuu : Man, I’ve always been a YouTube nerd—manga, creepypastas, video games, Lil Uzi Vert. I grew up on the internet; I’m its child. We made music ‘cause it was fun, just a way to put out whatever our hearts were feeling. We were just kids doing what we loved.
When COVID lockdowns hit, a lot of people had no choice but to pick up new hobbies. But these were the same things my friends and I had always been into. I think that’s why so many new people started connecting with me—hobbies bring people together, and suddenly, strangers felt like they related to me.
Then, out of nowhere, people started labeling us as Hyperpop. I guess they needed a tag to make sense of it all. At first, I didn’t care—let ‘em call it whatever, I’m just doing my thing. But truth is, my influences weren’t SOPHIE or Charli XCX. I fuck with their music heavy, but I grew up on Yung Lean and Cecilio G.. That’s why I started calling my wave ShadowPop.
hyperpop has deep queer roots—it comes from a different place than what shaped us. But in the Spanish-speaking scene, our sound got lumped into Hyperpop so much that it just stuck with the masses. I don’t think it’s wrong; it’s just another branch of it. I’m just doing my own thing—call it whatever you want, call us whatever you want. Some people hear this sound and instantly put our faces on it—hell yeah, I think that’s dope.
When I dropped #WhiteDoraemon, I wasn’t thinking about how people would define it. And when I drop new music, I still don’t. Maybe in a few years, they’ll come up with some label we never even thought of—but if that helps people have fun and understand us, that’s a hell yeah from me. Or maybe we’ll just end up as the old pioneers of this pseudo-Hyperpop in Spanish. Whatever, man—we’re hermits at the end of the day.
Q13. Your album Starina was made into a party series with the same name, and in Los sueños de Nube, you compiled a long-form manga with 25 tracks, showing your unique creativity in the way you release works. On the other hand, you’ve also responded to the fast-paced rap scene, as seen in the single collaboration with Evilgiane (surfgang), “Family Mart.” If you were to release another cohesive project, what kind of work do you think it would be?
Rojuu : I think being disruptive is key no matter what you do. You gotta shake things up with every step you take—to keep yourself entertained, to learn, to grow, and to actually reach your goals. Being disruptive is like being a magician; disruptive moves lock people in.
Same goes for projects. I feel like every project I drop needs to be born with a marked death—a grand finale that shifts the board. The link-up with Evilgiane is a disruptive move. We’re both obsessed with drawing, and this EP feels like tripping on acid with your homies and painting a huge canvas. Bringing his audience and mine together, merging them inside my head, feels like a massive octopus suddenly appearing in the sky over every major city. Like—fuck, what the hell was that? I’ll never forget it! And then—“Oh, you saw it too?? But you live in Moscow?? That’s insane! It inspired me!! It inspired you too?? Wah!”
That’s what I feel this can do for kids all over the world. Even if you don’t speak Spanish, you can still fuck with it.
Right now, I’m working on a mixtape called inuinuinu. We started it in mid-2024, and we’re still at it. It’s my current self—I’ve changed a lot since I started. I’m 22 now, I’ve got two dogs, and that’s been a huge motivation. It made me wanna seal a whole new aesthetic that matches who I am now. My love for dogs? I want that to live forever. I wanna make them a core part of my being ‘cause they fill my heart. I know there are kids out there who’ll connect with this—visually, sonically, emotionally.
At the end of the day, it’s all about being yourself and seeing who resonates with that.
I’ve also been painting a lot more lately. That might shape where I go next. Whatever happens, I just hope I have fun along the way.
5月24日 MORI.MICHI.DISCO.STAGE (遊園地エリア) more