春ねむり × Frost Children interview

出会いからEP『Soul Kiss』に至るまで



脳天を撃ち抜かれるケミストリー、クラッシュする作家性。NYとインターネットを拠点に活動中、LuluとAngel のProstきょうだいによるデュオ・Frost Childrenは、2022年に春ねむりのアメリカツアーに2カ所で参加した。ハードコアを解体する春ねむりと、ウェブの淵から日本文化にウインクを送っていた両者の感性は思いもよらぬ形でスパークし、気がついたらFrost Childrenは東京にいた。


さて、春ねむりとのコラボレーションはどのような内容に?両者の化学反応をパッケージした『Soul Kiss』は、10月4日にリリース。都内スタジオでの制作真っただ中、一汗かいたあとのリラクシングなムードで行なわれたクロストークをお届けする。


Text by Tsuyachan




春ねむり:Frost Childrenは信じられないくらいの数のサイドチェインをかけてる!このくらいの思い切りで良いんだね。










Lulu:北米ツアーではトロントとシカゴの2公演で一緒にやらせてもらえて、本当はその後も全てのツアーに帯同するつもりだったんだけど残念ながらパンデミックでキャンセルになってしまった。でも、翌年にあったオースティンでのSXSWでもう一度会うことができたんだよ。さらにチェコのCreepy Teepee Festivalでもバッタリ会えて、縁があるなって。












春ねむり:ロスでライブを観に行った時に話して、その時に二人から「一緒に何かやろうよ」って言ってくれたんですよ。あっ、やっていいんだ!と思って(笑)。元々、一緒に曲作ろうってお誘いしようと考えてたから逆に言われてびっくりで。その後チェコのCreepy Teepee Festivalで一緒になって、じゃあフェスの後に制作しようよということでベルリンに行って作りました。




春ねむり:最初に考えていたのは、サウンド的な面白さ。自分の音楽は色んな要素のミックスだから、Frost Childrenの音楽性とは近いものがあるんじゃないかなと思いました。二人のライブを観ていても、私がライブに臨む時と近いような感情を持っていそうだなと共感したところがあったよ。あとは、コラボしたいと思ってくれてたんだ、というのが大きかった。えっそうなの?!じゃあ私もやりたい!って。













──Frost Childrenの曲作りのスタイルは、いつもそういう感じで、作っては壊しての繰り返しでできていくもの?




──Frost Childrenの作品からは、日本のカルチャーからの影響を感じることがあります。


















春ねむり: HARUはハリー・ポッターのスネイプ先生みたいだねって言われたから、でもスネイプ先生は最後良い人だよね?って反論したところ(笑)。Angelが体調不良で一日いなかった時に、「Get Well Soon」ってタイトルの曲を作ったもんね。


Angel:まぁ、あれだよ……燃やされて(「Burn」)、スーパーナチュラルになって良くなるんだけど(「Supernatural」)、なんか最後バッド・シングで終わる(「Bad Thing」)っていう作品。なんか乗り越えたなって感じだよね(笑)。でも乗り越えたんなら「Good Thing」にしなきゃいけないけどさ!


──Frost Childrenのそういうユーモラスなところって、どこから沸いてきてるものなんでしょう?











Lulu:世界で何が起こっているかということについて、今「Daijoubu Desu」という曲を作ってるよね。






──今日の春ねむりさんは、凄くグッド・ヴァイブス。Frost Childrenとの制作や会話を通して新たな発見が生まれてそうです。








──春ねむりさんもFrost Childrenも、近作ではバンドサウンドの要素が強まってきているように思います。何に導かれているのでしょう?










Angel:( ゚Д゚)ハァ?





A chemistry that shoots through the top of the head, a crashing sense of artistry .The duo Frost Children, made up of the Prost siblings Lulu and Angel, who are active based in New York and the internet, participated in two locations of HARU NEMURI’s 2022 U.S. tour. HARU NEMURI, who deconstructs hardcore, and Frost Children, who had been winking at Japanese culture from the fringes of the internet, saw their sensibilities spark in an unexpected way, and before we knew it, they were in Tokyo.


So, what kind of content will the collaboration with HARU NEMURI be? “Soul Kiss,” which packages the chemistry between the two, will be released on October 4th. We bring you a cross-talk conducted in a relaxing mood after working up a sweat in the midst of production at a studio in Tokyo.


──I heard you were just making a song earlier. What kind of creative ideas are emerging?


HARU NEMURI: Frost Children uses an unbelievable number of sidechains! It’s okay to be this bold, huh?


Lulu: Because sidechain is the soul of EDM!


Angel: I bought a koto and added the sound! (playing a few notes on the koto as she says)


HARU NEMURI: Also, we sampled the sound of the coffee maker in the studio. We’re doing all sorts of things.


──What was the inspiration for this collaboration?


Lulu: We were able to perform together at two shows in Toronto and Chicago during her North America tour. We actually intended to accompany her for the entire tour afterward, but unfortunately, it was canceled due to the pandemic. However, we were able to meet again the following year at SXSW in Austin. We even ran into each other at the Creepy Teepee Festival in the Czech Republic, which made me feel like we have a special connection.


 ──How did you feel after watching each other’s shows?


Angel: I thought our performances were similar. It’s not just undulation of the sounds, but also the dynamics between the softer and harder parts. Plus, the fact that we both use backing tracks during our show is similar too. The edgy music! Additionally, the way the audience responds so enthusiastically is also quite similar.


Lulu: HARU’s vocal expression was amazing! She’s not just singing; it’s a performance. She leaves an impact on the audience, and it’s epic.


HARU NEMURI: I thought their sound would be quite clean before I saw them live. But when I actually saw their show, I was surprised by how hardcore and intense it was. The coexistence of hardcore elements and beautiful aspects creates a high-energy atmosphere. I express that physically by dancing and screaming, but I was amazed that the two of them do that while playing the instruments.


──How did the process of creating a song together come about from there?


HARU NEMURI: We talked when I went to see their show in Los Angeles, and at that time, they told me, “Let’s do something together.” I thought, “Oh, I can actually have a chance to do this!” (laugh). I was originally thinking about inviting them to collaborate on a song, so I was surprised when they brought it up. After that, we were together at the Creepy Teepee Festival in the Czech Republic, and we decided to go to Berlin to work on music after the festival.


──In collaborating, what kind of synergy were you aiming for this time? HARU NEMURI?


HARU NEMURI: What I initially thought about was the interesting aspects of the sound. My music is a mix of various elements, so I thought there might be some similarities with Frost Children’s musical style. While watching both at their shows, I felt a sense of empathy, as they seemed to share similar emotions to what I experience when I approach my own live shows. It was also significant to know that they wanted to collaborate with me.


Lulu: When we had our first session in Berlin, I was impressed that we were able to create a full track from the very beginning and that the speed of the process was incredible. I was surprised that we were able to create in such a natural way, even though it was our first session.


──Was the first session in Berlin about jamming with instruments?


HARU NEMURI: I’m not that proficient with instruments, so saying we were jamming might be a bit exaggerated, but we definitely found a good way to connect and align with each other.


Lulu: HARU played two chords on the organ, and in response, I played the drums, like the bongos and other percussion instruments. From there, it started to feel more like a session, and it seemed like we solidified the sound at one point……In reality, no one can mix live drums, right? It ended up being one of those “wait, what?” moments, and ultimately, we couldn’t use those drums at all (laughs).


HARU NEMURI: I also brought a one-chorus track that I had created, but after repeating and swapping things around, it ended up completely unrecognizable (laughs). As a result, we were able to create about four demos in Berlin.


──Is Frost Children’s songwriting style always like that, where you create and then break things down repeatedly?


Lulu: We write a lot of songs and then break them down. Sometimes I completely break things down and start over, and if I feel the original idea isn’t quite right, I often keep a bit of it and draw inspiration from it to create the next song. We have a strong snappy electronic vibe, but since we originally liked rock music, the style of creating and breaking things down has come naturally to us.


──I can sense influences from Japanese culture in Frost Children’s works.


Lulu: It’s hard to imagine where our music is being listened to, but for example, when we went to North American cities to perform, I often felt, “Wow, there are so many listeners here!” There might be a similar listener base in Japan, and if there is, that would be exciting! I’m greatly influenced by Japanese music. Like the glitchy music from the past. I want to find various excuses to come to Japan more often.


──Did creating music as a trio bring about any magic that wouldn’t normally happen?


Lulu & Angel: There were definitely some unexpected happenings! (laughs)


Angel: At the festival in the Czech Republic, I was sitting on a wooden picnic table to watch HARU’s show. That’s when I got bitten by a spider! I was wearing a skirt, and it bit me hard enough to leave a mark. Isn’t that the worst? Three days later, when I went to Berlin, I thought, “Oh no, I’m feeling really unwell… I have a fever too…” and I was hit with pain and discomfort. I actually went to the hospital as well. I received some really effective medication. That’s when I went to the studio and the song that came out of that experience is “Supernatural”!


All: (Laugh)


Angel: That’s why this song is about “24 hours of hell,” and it was born out of pain and suffering!


HARU NEMURI: Watching that, I felt really sorry for you because it looked so painful. But then I thought, getting bitten by a spider and gaining superhuman abilities… it’s just like Spider-Man, right?! (laughs)


Angle: HARU intentionally sent the spider my way!


HARU NEMURI: I was told that HARU is like Professor Snape from Harry Potter, but I replied, “But Snape turns out to be a good person in the end, right?” (laughs). When Angel was unwell and couldn’t be there for a day, we made a song titled “Get Well Soon.”


Angel: Well, it’s like this… you get burned (“Burn”), then you become supernatural and get better (“Supernatural”), but it somehow ends on a bad note (“Bad Thing”). It feels like a journey of overcoming, right? (laugh) But if you’ve overcome it, you should really call it “Good Thing”!


──Where does that humorous aspect of Frost Children come from?


Lulu: We always have fun and laugh while making music. It’s not exactly about telling jokes, but having a fun mentality while we’re in the studio is important. Being funny, crazy, and a bit silly is key, and we fully commit to the things we think are good. It’s important to express our honest selves.


HARU NEMURI: Yes, I really like their wit and humorous aspects. I tend to be quite serious, so I think humor is an element that’s often lacking for me. That’s why I wanted to collaborate with the two of them.


──What were some of the things you talked about and the shared values among the three of you?


HARU NEMURI: We talked about wanting to say NO to Israel’s aggression against Palestine, and I was thinking of making a song about it.


Lulu: We’re currently working on a song called “Daijoubu Desu” that reflects on what’s happening in the world.


HARU NEMURI: When I asked, “Everyone tells me I’m okay, but I often feel like I’m not okay at all,” they both responded with, “Absolutely, we get that.” That’s how the song started to take shape.


Lulu: We’re still deepening the conversation as we continue to create the song. It feels like we’re throwing out emotions and punching through. It’s like stretching a rubber band, releasing emotions as we converse.


──Today, HARU NEMURI has a lot of good vibes. It seems like new discoveries are being made through the production and conversations with Frost Children.


HARU NEMURI: Yes yes. In my case, I tend to think of my solo works and collaborative works as quite separate entities. I’m actually quite cheerful, but people don’t see me that way (laugh). I do tell jokes too, you know! But with collaborative works, I can write unique things that I can’t express in my solo projects, which is great. That’s why, in my solo work, I think it’s fine to focus on deepening the seriousness.


──HARU NEMURI, you always said, “Personal matters are social matters,” and that has consistently been reflected in your music. How do the humorous elements packed into this collaborative work connect with society?


HARU NEMURI: I think I’m good at addressing things that arise from anger and frustration seriously on my own. But on the other hand, those feelings often transform in a completely different way when I’m talking with others. Like when there’s an annoying guy around, I can talk to my friends and say, “Hey, there was this really annoying person!” That’s something I can’t really do alone. Similarly, in a collaboration, I can have that kind of communication, like saying, “Hey, can you listen to me?” I can use words like “annoying” lightly as well. I enjoy making music alone, but creating with others while chatting like this is also fun. That’s why I’m in a social mode right now!


──It seems that both HARU NEMURI and Frost Children have been incorporating stronger elements of band sounds in your recent works. What is guiding this direction?


HARU NEMURI: I created the album ‘Shunka Ryougen’ with a mix of various chaotic elements, so recently I’ve been in a mode of focusing more on simplicity and core elements, like I did with the EP ‘INSAINT’. I wanted to see HARU NEMURI in a form that still resonates even with subtractions.


Angel: We also created our album ‘SPIRAL’, released in 2022, as a mix of various musical styles, and from that point on, we’ve been enjoying a more rock-oriented life with lots of live shows recently. We approach our music with the feeling of blasting it out to the high-energy audience that comes to our shows. Plus, we’ve wanted to be a rock star since we were kids.


──I think this work will reach listeners from various countries in a way that’s different from usual, so please express this EP in one word for everyone.




Angel: ( ゚Д゚)Huh?





春ねむり , Frost Children – Soul Kiss

Release date : October 4th 2024

Stream : https://lnk.to/soul_kiss



01.Daijoubu Desu



04.Bad Thing

05.Get Well Soon



HARU NEMURI TOUR 2024「Flee from the Sanctuary」


2024年09月28日 アメリカ ワシントン州・シアトル HIGH DIVE

2024年10月01日 アメリカ カリフォルニア州・サンフランシスコ GREAT AMERICAN MUSIC HALL

2024年10月06日 アメリカ カリフォルニア州・ロサンゼルス THE ECHO

2024年10月09日 アメリカ テキサス州・ダラス RBC

2024年10月12日 アメリカ ニューヨーク州・ブルックリン ELSEWHERE

2024年10月15日 アメリカ イリノイ州・シカゴ REGGIES

Ticket: https://bnds.us/b60l7n


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春ねむり × Frost Children interview

出会いからEP『Soul Kiss』に至るまで



脳天を撃ち抜かれるケミストリー、クラッシュする作家性。NYとインターネットを拠点に活動中、LuluとAngel のProstきょうだいによるデュオ・Frost Childrenは、2022年に春ねむりのアメリカツアーに2カ所で参加した。ハードコアを解体する春ねむりと、ウェブの淵から日本文化にウインクを送っていた両者の感性は思いもよらぬ形でスパークし、気がついたらFrost Childrenは東京にいた。


さて、春ねむりとのコラボレーションはどのような内容に?両者の化学反応をパッケージした『Soul Kiss』は、10月4日にリリース。都内スタジオでの制作真っただ中、一汗かいたあとのリラクシングなムードで行なわれたクロストークをお届けする。


Text by Tsuyachan




春ねむり:Frost Childrenは信じられないくらいの数のサイドチェインをかけてる!このくらいの思い切りで良いんだね。










Lulu:北米ツアーではトロントとシカゴの2公演で一緒にやらせてもらえて、本当はその後も全てのツアーに帯同するつもりだったんだけど残念ながらパンデミックでキャンセルになってしまった。でも、翌年にあったオースティンでのSXSWでもう一度会うことができたんだよ。さらにチェコのCreepy Teepee Festivalでもバッタリ会えて、縁があるなって。












春ねむり:ロスでライブを観に行った時に話して、その時に二人から「一緒に何かやろうよ」って言ってくれたんですよ。あっ、やっていいんだ!と思って(笑)。元々、一緒に曲作ろうってお誘いしようと考えてたから逆に言われてびっくりで。その後チェコのCreepy Teepee Festivalで一緒になって、じゃあフェスの後に制作しようよということでベルリンに行って作りました。




春ねむり:最初に考えていたのは、サウンド的な面白さ。自分の音楽は色んな要素のミックスだから、Frost Childrenの音楽性とは近いものがあるんじゃないかなと思いました。二人のライブを観ていても、私がライブに臨む時と近いような感情を持っていそうだなと共感したところがあったよ。あとは、コラボしたいと思ってくれてたんだ、というのが大きかった。えっそうなの?!じゃあ私もやりたい!って。













──Frost Childrenの曲作りのスタイルは、いつもそういう感じで、作っては壊しての繰り返しでできていくもの?




──Frost Childrenの作品からは、日本のカルチャーからの影響を感じることがあります。


















春ねむり: HARUはハリー・ポッターのスネイプ先生みたいだねって言われたから、でもスネイプ先生は最後良い人だよね?って反論したところ(笑)。Angelが体調不良で一日いなかった時に、「Get Well Soon」ってタイトルの曲を作ったもんね。


Angel:まぁ、あれだよ……燃やされて(「Burn」)、スーパーナチュラルになって良くなるんだけど(「Supernatural」)、なんか最後バッド・シングで終わる(「Bad Thing」)っていう作品。なんか乗り越えたなって感じだよね(笑)。でも乗り越えたんなら「Good Thing」にしなきゃいけないけどさ!


──Frost Childrenのそういうユーモラスなところって、どこから沸いてきてるものなんでしょう?











Lulu:世界で何が起こっているかということについて、今「Daijoubu Desu」という曲を作ってるよね。






──今日の春ねむりさんは、凄くグッド・ヴァイブス。Frost Childrenとの制作や会話を通して新たな発見が生まれてそうです。








──春ねむりさんもFrost Childrenも、近作ではバンドサウンドの要素が強まってきているように思います。何に導かれているのでしょう?










Angel:( ゚Д゚)ハァ?





A chemistry that shoots through the top of the head, a crashing sense of artistry .The duo Frost Children, made up of the Prost siblings Lulu and Angel, who are active based in New York and the internet, participated in two locations of HARU NEMURI’s 2022 U.S. tour. HARU NEMURI, who deconstructs hardcore, and Frost Children, who had been winking at Japanese culture from the fringes of the internet, saw their sensibilities spark in an unexpected way, and before we knew it, they were in Tokyo.


So, what kind of content will the collaboration with HARU NEMURI be? “Soul Kiss,” which packages the chemistry between the two, will be released on October 4th. We bring you a cross-talk conducted in a relaxing mood after working up a sweat in the midst of production at a studio in Tokyo.


──I heard you were just making a song earlier. What kind of creative ideas are emerging?


HARU NEMURI: Frost Children uses an unbelievable number of sidechains! It’s okay to be this bold, huh?


Lulu: Because sidechain is the soul of EDM!


Angel: I bought a koto and added the sound! (playing a few notes on the koto as she says)


HARU NEMURI: Also, we sampled the sound of the coffee maker in the studio. We’re doing all sorts of things.


──What was the inspiration for this collaboration?


Lulu: We were able to perform together at two shows in Toronto and Chicago during her North America tour. We actually intended to accompany her for the entire tour afterward, but unfortunately, it was canceled due to the pandemic. However, we were able to meet again the following year at SXSW in Austin. We even ran into each other at the Creepy Teepee Festival in the Czech Republic, which made me feel like we have a special connection.


 ──How did you feel after watching each other’s shows?


Angel: I thought our performances were similar. It’s not just undulation of the sounds, but also the dynamics between the softer and harder parts. Plus, the fact that we both use backing tracks during our show is similar too. The edgy music! Additionally, the way the audience responds so enthusiastically is also quite similar.


Lulu: HARU’s vocal expression was amazing! She’s not just singing; it’s a performance. She leaves an impact on the audience, and it’s epic.


HARU NEMURI: I thought their sound would be quite clean before I saw them live. But when I actually saw their show, I was surprised by how hardcore and intense it was. The coexistence of hardcore elements and beautiful aspects creates a high-energy atmosphere. I express that physically by dancing and screaming, but I was amazed that the two of them do that while playing the instruments.


──How did the process of creating a song together come about from there?


HARU NEMURI: We talked when I went to see their show in Los Angeles, and at that time, they told me, “Let’s do something together.” I thought, “Oh, I can actually have a chance to do this!” (laugh). I was originally thinking about inviting them to collaborate on a song, so I was surprised when they brought it up. After that, we were together at the Creepy Teepee Festival in the Czech Republic, and we decided to go to Berlin to work on music after the festival.


──In collaborating, what kind of synergy were you aiming for this time? HARU NEMURI?


HARU NEMURI: What I initially thought about was the interesting aspects of the sound. My music is a mix of various elements, so I thought there might be some similarities with Frost Children’s musical style. While watching both at their shows, I felt a sense of empathy, as they seemed to share similar emotions to what I experience when I approach my own live shows. It was also significant to know that they wanted to collaborate with me.


Lulu: When we had our first session in Berlin, I was impressed that we were able to create a full track from the very beginning and that the speed of the process was incredible. I was surprised that we were able to create in such a natural way, even though it was our first session.


──Was the first session in Berlin about jamming with instruments?


HARU NEMURI: I’m not that proficient with instruments, so saying we were jamming might be a bit exaggerated, but we definitely found a good way to connect and align with each other.


Lulu: HARU played two chords on the organ, and in response, I played the drums, like the bongos and other percussion instruments. From there, it started to feel more like a session, and it seemed like we solidified the sound at one point……In reality, no one can mix live drums, right? It ended up being one of those “wait, what?” moments, and ultimately, we couldn’t use those drums at all (laughs).


HARU NEMURI: I also brought a one-chorus track that I had created, but after repeating and swapping things around, it ended up completely unrecognizable (laughs). As a result, we were able to create about four demos in Berlin.


──Is Frost Children’s songwriting style always like that, where you create and then break things down repeatedly?


Lulu: We write a lot of songs and then break them down. Sometimes I completely break things down and start over, and if I feel the original idea isn’t quite right, I often keep a bit of it and draw inspiration from it to create the next song. We have a strong snappy electronic vibe, but since we originally liked rock music, the style of creating and breaking things down has come naturally to us.


──I can sense influences from Japanese culture in Frost Children’s works.


Lulu: It’s hard to imagine where our music is being listened to, but for example, when we went to North American cities to perform, I often felt, “Wow, there are so many listeners here!” There might be a similar listener base in Japan, and if there is, that would be exciting! I’m greatly influenced by Japanese music. Like the glitchy music from the past. I want to find various excuses to come to Japan more often.


──Did creating music as a trio bring about any magic that wouldn’t normally happen?


Lulu & Angel: There were definitely some unexpected happenings! (laughs)


Angel: At the festival in the Czech Republic, I was sitting on a wooden picnic table to watch HARU’s show. That’s when I got bitten by a spider! I was wearing a skirt, and it bit me hard enough to leave a mark. Isn’t that the worst? Three days later, when I went to Berlin, I thought, “Oh no, I’m feeling really unwell… I have a fever too…” and I was hit with pain and discomfort. I actually went to the hospital as well. I received some really effective medication. That’s when I went to the studio and the song that came out of that experience is “Supernatural”!


All: (Laugh)


Angel: That’s why this song is about “24 hours of hell,” and it was born out of pain and suffering!


HARU NEMURI: Watching that, I felt really sorry for you because it looked so painful. But then I thought, getting bitten by a spider and gaining superhuman abilities… it’s just like Spider-Man, right?! (laughs)


Angle: HARU intentionally sent the spider my way!


HARU NEMURI: I was told that HARU is like Professor Snape from Harry Potter, but I replied, “But Snape turns out to be a good person in the end, right?” (laughs). When Angel was unwell and couldn’t be there for a day, we made a song titled “Get Well Soon.”


Angel: Well, it’s like this… you get burned (“Burn”), then you become supernatural and get better (“Supernatural”), but it somehow ends on a bad note (“Bad Thing”). It feels like a journey of overcoming, right? (laugh) But if you’ve overcome it, you should really call it “Good Thing”!


──Where does that humorous aspect of Frost Children come from?


Lulu: We always have fun and laugh while making music. It’s not exactly about telling jokes, but having a fun mentality while we’re in the studio is important. Being funny, crazy, and a bit silly is key, and we fully commit to the things we think are good. It’s important to express our honest selves.


HARU NEMURI: Yes, I really like their wit and humorous aspects. I tend to be quite serious, so I think humor is an element that’s often lacking for me. That’s why I wanted to collaborate with the two of them.


──What were some of the things you talked about and the shared values among the three of you?


HARU NEMURI: We talked about wanting to say NO to Israel’s aggression against Palestine, and I was thinking of making a song about it.


Lulu: We’re currently working on a song called “Daijoubu Desu” that reflects on what’s happening in the world.


HARU NEMURI: When I asked, “Everyone tells me I’m okay, but I often feel like I’m not okay at all,” they both responded with, “Absolutely, we get that.” That’s how the song started to take shape.


Lulu: We’re still deepening the conversation as we continue to create the song. It feels like we’re throwing out emotions and punching through. It’s like stretching a rubber band, releasing emotions as we converse.


──Today, HARU NEMURI has a lot of good vibes. It seems like new discoveries are being made through the production and conversations with Frost Children.


HARU NEMURI: Yes yes. In my case, I tend to think of my solo works and collaborative works as quite separate entities. I’m actually quite cheerful, but people don’t see me that way (laugh). I do tell jokes too, you know! But with collaborative works, I can write unique things that I can’t express in my solo projects, which is great. That’s why, in my solo work, I think it’s fine to focus on deepening the seriousness.


──HARU NEMURI, you always said, “Personal matters are social matters,” and that has consistently been reflected in your music. How do the humorous elements packed into this collaborative work connect with society?


HARU NEMURI: I think I’m good at addressing things that arise from anger and frustration seriously on my own. But on the other hand, those feelings often transform in a completely different way when I’m talking with others. Like when there’s an annoying guy around, I can talk to my friends and say, “Hey, there was this really annoying person!” That’s something I can’t really do alone. Similarly, in a collaboration, I can have that kind of communication, like saying, “Hey, can you listen to me?” I can use words like “annoying” lightly as well. I enjoy making music alone, but creating with others while chatting like this is also fun. That’s why I’m in a social mode right now!


──It seems that both HARU NEMURI and Frost Children have been incorporating stronger elements of band sounds in your recent works. What is guiding this direction?


HARU NEMURI: I created the album ‘Shunka Ryougen’ with a mix of various chaotic elements, so recently I’ve been in a mode of focusing more on simplicity and core elements, like I did with the EP ‘INSAINT’. I wanted to see HARU NEMURI in a form that still resonates even with subtractions.


Angel: We also created our album ‘SPIRAL’, released in 2022, as a mix of various musical styles, and from that point on, we’ve been enjoying a more rock-oriented life with lots of live shows recently. We approach our music with the feeling of blasting it out to the high-energy audience that comes to our shows. Plus, we’ve wanted to be a rock star since we were kids.


──I think this work will reach listeners from various countries in a way that’s different from usual, so please express this EP in one word for everyone.




Angel: ( ゚Д゚)Huh?





春ねむり , Frost Children – Soul Kiss

Release date : October 4th 2024

Stream : https://lnk.to/soul_kiss



01.Daijoubu Desu



04.Bad Thing

05.Get Well Soon



HARU NEMURI TOUR 2024「Flee from the Sanctuary」


2024年09月28日 アメリカ ワシントン州・シアトル HIGH DIVE

2024年10月01日 アメリカ カリフォルニア州・サンフランシスコ GREAT AMERICAN MUSIC HALL

2024年10月06日 アメリカ カリフォルニア州・ロサンゼルス THE ECHO

2024年10月09日 アメリカ テキサス州・ダラス RBC

2024年10月12日 アメリカ ニューヨーク州・ブルックリン ELSEWHERE

2024年10月15日 アメリカ イリノイ州・シカゴ REGGIES

Ticket: https://bnds.us/b60l7n


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