意識、生、死についての物語|Team Rockit interview




by Kenji Komine (LSTNGT)


– Team Rockitの新作が出るということでとても楽しみにしていました。YEAR0001に所属するアーティストとしてはベテランになる皆さんですが、結成の経緯や古巣Sincerely Yoursについて教えて頂きたいです。2011年リリースの『1988』をSincerely Yours からリリースしていますが、2017年の『Team Rockit』からYEAR0001とSincerely Yoursの共同リリースになっていますよね?ここにはどういった変化があったのでしょうか?IkarosさんはVictor SvedbergとしてYEAR0001のロゴやこれまでのレーベルリリースなどのデザインを多く手がけていますよね?


Ikaros:そう言っていただけると嬉しいですね。確かに、前回のアルバムはYEAR0001とSincerely Yoursの共同リリースで、今回はYEAR0001単独でのリリースとなってます。そして私は音楽制作以外にも多くのデザインワークを行っています。




– 『Bahamut Zero』制作の経緯を教えて下さい。これまでもミックス作品『Bahamut』や『Neo Bahamut』をリリースされています。”バハムート”をモチーフにした一連の作品はどういった位置付け、表現なのでしょうか?『Neo Bahamut』でも印象的な音声が使われています。今回はAttuというAIとして登場していますよね?しかもその音声はどれもテクノロジーへの警鐘を鳴らしているように感じます。また、母国語のスウェーデン語の歌詞にこだわる理由はありますか?


Ikaros:『Bahamut Zero』は、バハムート3部作の最後の作品です。私たちは、なぜか何でも三部作でやらなければならないのです。『1988』、『Anima』、『Team Rockit』も3部作だと考えています。それはグループとしての自分たちを表現する方法であり、ある種の数秘術なのかもしれない。音楽を理解したり楽しんだりするためにストーリーに入り込む必要はなく、Team Rockitの神話に興味がある人のためのもの。スウェーデン語で歌うのは、特に意図したものではなく、偶然です。面白いことに、スウェーデン以外の国のファンの多くは、言葉が通じなくても私たちのメッセージを理解してくれているようです。私たちも歌詞を理解できない音楽をたくさん聴いていますが、音楽は話し言葉よりもはるかに正確な言語であるということを示しています。


Merely:『Bahamut Zero』で共有している警句的なテーマは、現実に対するコメントではありません、なぜなら、それははるかに複雑だからです。むしろ、現在の個人の誠実さと企業の関係を反映したものだと言えるかもしれません。しかし、私にとって『Bahamut Zero』は、より実存的なもので、意識、生、死についての物語です。




– Team Rockitの作風は伝統的なスウェーデンの民族音楽に加えトランスや日本の音楽、特に平沢進からの影響も感じます。昨年tukio(スウェーデンのネットラジオ?)で放送されたTeam Rockitによる平沢進特集は非常に興味深いものでした。しかし、全編スウェーデン語でしたので、聞き取ることができず。好きな作品や楽曲はありますか?




Ikaros:彼の素晴らしい作品の中から選ぶのは不可能に近いですが、個人的には『SIREN』はおそらく最高のレコードの一つですね。『ベルセルク』のサウンドトラックもそうですね。あるいは『Blue Limbo』とか。


Merely:そうなんです、ラジオ番組「Omega FM」で平沢進についてのエピソードを放送したんです(いつかまた作るかもしれません)。私がずっと好きな曲のひとつは「Siam Lights」です。



– 日本の文化にはかなり興味を持っているのでしょうか?ファーストアルバム『1998』では武士のイメージ、『Anima』ではジャケットにダルマが配置されています。それこそ、BahamutやAnimaは『ファイナルファンタジー』の召喚獣からでしょうか?Gregorianさんは度々日本にも旅行されていますよね?以前、三宿webに訪れたという話を友達から聞きました。






– かなり早い頃からトランスのサウンド的な部分を取り入れた楽曲を制作していましたよね?Bladeeの「dragonfly」や「IBERIA」のリミックスなども印象的でした。現在(それこそYEAR0001のリリースも)の音楽シーンではトランスのサウンドが楽曲で使われることが当たり前になってきました。それに関してはどう思いますか?Team Rockitはトランシーなサウンドを使いつつも楽曲のミックスダウンの音像が非クラブミュージック的な印象を受けます。意識してそのようにしていますか?それとは対照的に 最近活動を開始した別名義のChariotは完全にトランスをメインにしたダンスミュージックのプロジェクトというのも印象的でした。








– 最後に、私にとってTeam Rockitの音楽はタイムレスで今後もずっと聴き続ける特別な音楽です。あなたたちの音楽や姿勢は私の現在の音楽に多大な影響を与えました。いつの日か全ての作品をフィジカルでそして歌詞カードに翻訳を付けてもっと理解を深められたらいいのにと思っています。日本のリスナーにメッセージをお願いします。









– I’ve been looking forward to the release of Team Rockit’s new album. You released “1988” in 2011 on Sincerely Yours, but since “Team Rockit” in 2017, it’s been a joint release between YEAR0001 and Sincerely Yours, right? What changes have you made? What are the changes? Ikaros, as Victor Svedberg (your real name?), has designed a lot of the YEAR0001’s logo and previous label releases, right?


Ikaros : Glad to hear that. Correct, our last full length album was a joint release between YEAR0001 and Sincerely Yours. This time around we are releasing through YEAR0001 alone. And yes, I do a lot of design work besides making music!


Merely : Yeah that’s right, in 2017 we decided to move away from the emotionally draining kind of label situation we had been in and were happy that Year0001 wanted to work with us. I guess the difference is that this relationship is a more stable and unproblematic one, but we still feel as free creatively as we’ve always been.


– How did you come up with “Bahamut Zero”? You have released the mixes “Bahamut” and “Neo Bahamut” in the past. What is the position and expression of your series of works with the motif of “Bahamut”? Neo Bahamut” also uses an impressive voice. In “Neo Bahamut”, you also used an impressive voice, this time as an AI called Attu, right? And all the voices seem to be sounding an alarm about technology. Also, is there any reason why you insist on using lyrics in your native language, Swedish?


Ikaros : Bahamut Zero is the last piece of the Bahamut-trilogy. We are compelled to do everything in trios for some reason. We consider 1988, Anima and Team Rockit a trilogy as well. Maybe it’s a way of expressing ourselves as a group, some kind of numerology. It’s not necessary to dive into the narrative in order to understand or enjoy the music, it’s something for those interested in the Team Rockit mythos. Singing in Swedish was not really a deliberate thing, it just happened. Funny enough, a lot of our fans outside of Sweden seems to understand our message even if they do not speak our language. We listen to a lot of music where we don’t understand the lyrics either – it just goes to show that music is a much more accurate language than the spoken word.


Merely : The alarmistic theme we share in Bahamut Zero is not a comment on reality, because that would be far more complex. I’d rather say it’s a reflection on the current relation between personal integrity and the corporate companies, maybe. But for me Bahamut Zero is more about the existential. A story about consiousness, life, death.


Gregorian : I agree. ’Technology’ in itself doesn’t really have to relate to the modern world at all either, it could translate to something more eternal, which is what we tend to be drawn to.



– In addition to traditional Swedish folk music, Team Rockit’s style is also influenced by trance and Japanese music, especially Susumu Hirasawa. It was very interesting to listen to a special feature by Team Rockit on tukio (Swedish internet radio?) last year. Last year, tukio (Swedish internet radio?) broadcasted a very interesting special on Susumu Hirasawa by Team Rockit. However, it was all in Swedish, so I couldn’t understand it… Do you have any favorite works or songs?


Gregorian : I came across Susumu’s work when I first saw ’Paprika’ by Satoshi Kon, who I’m a big fan of. That’s why I think his Paprika soundtrack is my favorite, but it was so amazing to discover his discography after seeing that movie, he’s done so many good albums.


Ikaros : It’s almost impossible to choose between all of his amazing works, but personally I think that his album Siren is possibly one of the best records ever. Or the Berserk soundtrack. Or Blue Limbo.


Merely : And yes, you’re right, we made one episode of our radio show Omega FM (maybe one day we’ll make another one) and it was all about Susumu Hirasawa. One of my all time favorite songs is Siam Lights.


– Do you have an interest in Japanese culture? The first album has an image of a samurai, “Anima” has a Dharma on the cover, Bahamut and Anima are summoned beasts from Final Fantasy. I heard from a friend that you visited Mishuku web once. I didn’t happen to be able to go there that day.


Ikaros : We are inspired by a vast array of different cultures. Japanese culture is definitely one of them. The clash between the ancient and the futuristic is very present in Japanese culture, which is a common theme in our music.


Gregorian : When I was a child I had a cousin who practiced kendo, with traditional gear and everything. Ever since then I have been interested in your culture. But as Ikaros points out, it is just one of the many points of interest that connects our shared pool of inspiration. For example, ’Bahamut’ is a summoned dragon in Final Fantasy, but it is also a giant whale god in arabian mythology.


– From quite early on, you’ve been working on songs that incorporate trance sounding aspects, such as Bladee’s “dragonfly” and “IBERIA” remix, which were very impressive. In today’s music scene (and YEAR0001’s releases for that matter), it’s becoming more and more common to use trance sounds in your music. What do you think about that? Team Rockit uses trancey sounds, but the mixdown sound of the songs seems to be non-club music. Is that a conscious decision on your part? In contrast, I was impressed by your other project Chariot, which is completely trance-oriented dance music.


Ikaros : The music scene is always governed by some kind of collective unconsciousness, where influences in different groups converge across the globe. We try not to think too much about what is popular or not. To us, our influences connect naturally, we see connections between different forms of expression and find links, rather than differences. Classical music, folk music and trance is basically the same thing. At this point, we have worked together so many years that we rarely discuss music production. We just do it. Melodies and harmonies however … now that’s a hot topic!


Gregorian : What we try to do is find the best feeling for each melody or chord, oftentimes we come back to big saw synths (trancey sounds) because they feel awesome. This has been the case since we started, and we will probably continue to love trancey sounds long after those have phased out of popularity in the media sphere.


Merely : I think trance was one big reason we connected so well when I started to work with Gregorian and Ikaros in 2012. We really shared our interest in that kind of music and was both very inspired by the sound. Back then not too many was into trance in the contemporary music scene so for me it was a big thing. It also totally made sense we three together had to try out making pure trance one day, hence we started our other project Chariot a while ago.


– Lastly, for me, Team Rockit’s music is timeless and will always be special music to listen to. Your music and attitude have been a great influence on my current music. I wish someday I could have all of your works in physical form and with translations on the lyric cards so that I could understand them better. Please give a message to Japanese fans.


Ikaros : Thanks Kenji! You are a great artist. We always try our best to translate our lyrics to English. We have not yet managed to translate any of them to Japanese though. Japanese translators… hit us up!


Merely : Thank you so much. We are all feeling so greatful that our music has reach all the way to you and Japan!


Gregorian : ありがとう! 君の音楽はも美しいよ!俺の日本語は下手だから歌詞を翻訳できないけど時間があれば未来にやってみたいです。



Team Rockit – Bahamut Zero

Label : YEAR0001

Release date : 21 May 2021

Stream : https://year0001.com/label/cases/yr00135

LP : https://year0001.com/shop



01. Tid & Rum

02. Klagosång

03. Bombardier

04. Attu (Dolores)

05. Bingo

06. Freakazoid

07. Jordens Salt

08. Attu (Monolog)

09. Tre Konungar

10. Sten av Dumhet

11. Sökare Som Är Älskare

12. Celler Som Sjunger

13. Attu (Julius)






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