アジアの前衛芸術をキュレーションするUltrastudio Tokyoが創設






そんなUltrastudioが東京支部を新たにスタート。代表をMIRA新伝統 (Raphael Leray、Honami Higuchi)が務め、 アジアの前衛芸術シーンに特化した展覧会・イベント・出版物のキュレーションを行なっていく。また、2020年〜2021年はぺスカーラ・ロサンゼルス・東京の3スタジオの共通テーマを”Body”として各地で展覧会を開催予定だ。


〈English ver〉


Ultrastudio is a curational platform originally founded in Pescara, Italy and established a new office in Los Angeles, USA last year. It has curated numerous exhibitions so far and as been regularly coveraged by leading art magazines.


A new branch will now start in Tokyo with MIRA 新伝統 (Raphael Leray, Honami Higuchi) as directors. The Tokyo office will be curating exhibitions, events and publications specializing in the Asian audio-visual and performance scene. Between 2020 to 2021 a global cycle of exhibitions will run across each offices with “Body” as a common theme.


Ultrastudio HP:http://www.ultrastudio.sexy/


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