人生の大切な教訓は日本のアニメから学んだ|SEBii interview










SEBii – 私は上海で育ち、10代の頃はサマーキャンプでアメリカに行っていました。それが音楽を始めたきっかけになったんです。初めてサマーキャンプに行ったとき、みんなヒップホップをかけながらビヨンセの話をしていた。アメリカのポップカルチャーの世界は、自分にはまったく縁のないものだったから、取り残されたような気分になったし、同時にとても興味をそそられた。だからその年が終わると、家に帰って文字通り「2000年代のトップ100ソング」を検索して、たくさんの曲を吸収しました。多くのポピュラーミュージックを学び、ヒップホップへの情熱を発見した。アメリカに移り住もうと思った大きな理由は、ヒップホップの大ファンだけどインターネットを通してしか体験できていなかったから、その文化を直接体験しようと思ったんです。




SEBii音楽を作るようになったきっかけは、ソフトウェアの海賊版だった。若い頃に初めてMacBookを手に入れた時は、よくThe Pirate Bayで流行のMacのアプリケーションを見てダウンロードしてました。Adobe Suiteを手に入れたり、あるとき、Logic Pro Xがトレンドアプリの上位にあったので、試しにダウンロードしてみることにしたんです。それまでは、たくさんのソフトを違法コピーして、1週間いじったら次のソフトに移行していたんだけど、Logicは何か引っかかるものがあって、毎日触り始めていくようになった。それまでは音楽を作ることに興味があったわけでもなかったんだけど、Logicというソフトが好きになって、創作意欲が湧いてきたんです。初期に影響を受けたのは、ポケモンのゲームや当時聴いていたヒップホップミュージックが多いかな。





SEBiiポケモンは自分の子供時代の大部分を占めていて、物心ついたときから夢中になっていた。遊☆戯☆王も、子供の頃にアニメを見て大好きになり、その後カードゲームにハマった。ストラテジーゲームが大好きだから、遊☆戯☆王はめっちゃ好みだった。アニメにハマったのは10代になってからだけど、たくさん観てきたよ!バトル物の少年アニメが大好きなのは、世界最強を目指す負け犬の主人公の物語だから。その設定は、いつもインスピレーションを与えてくれた。だからアニメにはとても感謝している、 私はアニメから人生の大切な教訓をたくさん学んだんです。









SEBii – イエス!「FRENDS>ENEMii」のビデオ制作はdanbabebooと一緒にしました。彼女は以前、東京で撮影したミュージックビデオ「MISSION iiMPOSSIBLE」の監督を務めてくれていた。その数ヶ月前にPlayboi Cartiの「Ur The Moon」のリミックスを作ったんですが、リミックスのスニペットを投稿したら、それが広まって、Playboi Cartiがインスタのストーリーにリポストしたんです。Playboi Cartiの大ファンだから、とても非現実的な体験だった。だから、「BACKR00MS」のビデオを大阪で再現したら面白いと思ったんだ。Playboi Cartiのアイデアを口にする前から、danbabebooはすでにオフィスシーンのアイデアを持っていたから完璧だった。大阪にいる友人たちに黒ずくめの服を着てもらって、「BACKR00MS」のビデオの雰囲気を自分たちなりにアレンジしてSEBiiのものにしました。撮影はとても楽しかったし、最終的な仕上がりにとても満足しています。






SEBii『VVSS2』は、SEBiiユニバースの最新アップデートのようなものです。過去の3EP、VVBLUE、VVRED、VVYELLOWで探求したエモーションの集大成であり、VVSSのサウンド・スタイルが採用されている。このプロジェクトでは、VVCOLORs3部作で探求した感情の全領域を表現しようとしました。エグゼクティブ・プロデューサーはvvspipesとkimj。私たちは、”クロマティック “と呼んでいる新しいサウンドを作ろうとした。クロマティシズムは決して新しいコンセプトではないが、それをプロダクションに取り入れた方法は、ポケモンやマリオの2000年代ビデオゲームに大きくインスパイアされた、midiにフォーカスしたデジタルな方法です。アルバムのトレーラーでは、デジモンの進化のシークエンスをたくさん参考にしたんだ。僕が子供の頃、デジモンの大ファンだったから(今でもそうだけど)。VVSS2は進化をテーマにしているんだ。







──First, introduce yourself for AVYSS.


SEBii – I am SEBii and I am Artist who grew up on the internet.


──Tell me your story. I know you are from Shanghai, China, what made you move to NY?


SEBii – I grew up in Shanghai and would go to the US for summer camp as a teenager which was what got me into music. The first time I went away to a stay over summer camp, everyone would be playing Hiphop and talking about Beyonce. There was this whole world of American pop culture that I was completely alien to which made me feel so left out, but also very intrigued. So after that year I went home and literally searched “Top 100 songs of the 2000s” and would just learn up on a lot of popular music and discover my passion for Hiphop. A big reason why I wanted to move to the US was to experience that culture first hand as I was such a huge fan of it but could only experience it through the internet.


──When did you first become interested in music? Tell me about the works you have listened to, the culture you have studied and your influences.


SEBii – What actually first got me into making music was pirating software hahaha. When I was young and got my first MacBook, I used to go on thepiratebay and look at the trending Mac applications and download them. That’s how I got the whole Adobe Suite and started making stuff with that when I was young. One week, Logic Pro X was one of the top trending apps, so I decided to download it to try it out. I used to pirate so much software and mess with it for a week and move to the next one, but something about Logic just stuck, slowly I just started messing around on it everyday. I won’t even say I was particularly interested in making music before, but I just fell in love with the software and it made me want to create. A lot of my early influences would be from Pokemon games and Hiphop music that I listened to at the time.


──Your music references Japanese culture such as YU-GI-OH!, Pokemon, and anime productions. Tell me about the sources of those influences? If you have episodes, please tell me those as well.


SEBii – Pokemon was such a huge part of my childhood, I mean I’ve been obsessed with it for as long as I can remember. Yugioh too, I loved the anime when I first watched it as a kid, and later I got into the card game. I love strategy games so Yugioh was right up my alley. I didn’t properly get into anime until I was a teenager, but once it did I watched so much! I love battle shonen anime because I usually tells the story of the underdog protagonist who wants to be the strongest in the world. That premise was always so inspiring to me and I think gave me the confidence early on for me to pursue my dreams so I’m very grateful for anime, I’ve learned a lot of important life lessons from them.


──What are your memories of last year’s Japan tour?


SEBii – OMG soooo many amazing memories from my first Japan tour last year! I had been to Tokyo when I was very young with family but to be able to tour there now that I’m older was such an amazing experience. I’m always so surprised whenever I perform overseas and people know my music, I’m glad my art can speak to Japanese people even if they can’t fully understand the lyrics. Since so much of my creative expression is influenced by Japanese media and culture, I think the energy there instantly resonated with me in a deep way. Just the attention to detail in the design of like everything in Japan is something I admire so much and strive to do in my own art.


──”FRENDS>ENEMii” video is a collaboration with a Japanese artist. How did you make it?


SEBii – Yes! I worked with Danbabeboo to make the “FRENDS>ENEMii” video, she had directed on a previous music video I had shot in Tokyo “MISSION iiMPOSSIBLE”. Just before that months I had made a Remix to Playboi Carti’s “Ur The Moon” as a bunch of people were tagging me saying it sounded like Carti was doing a SEBii impression. After I had posted the snippet of my remix it went viral and Carti reposted it on his instagram story which for him is unheard of as he never posts on social media. Being a huge Carti fan it was such a surreal experience for me so I thought it would be fun to recreate the “BACKR00MS” video but in Osaka as I was traveling there at the time and it would be a fun reference for my fans. It was perfect because Dan already had the idea to do an office scene before I had even mentioned the Carti idea. I had a bunch of friends I have in Osaka dress in all black and we kinda put our own spin on the “BACKR00MS” video vibe and made it SEBii. We all had so much fun that day shooting the video, and I’m so happy how it turned out in the end.


──What is your new album “VVSS2” about?


SEBii – VVSS2 is like the newest update to the SEBii universe. It’s a culmination of the emotions that I explored in my past 3EPs, VVBLUE, VVRED and VVYELLOW, but with the sonic style of VVSS. In this project I tried to show the full spectrum of emotion explored in the primary VVCOLORs trilogy. The project is executive produced by vvspipes and kimj, who I’ve worked very closely with. We tried to create a new sound that we are calling “chromatic”. Chromaticism is by no means a new concept, but the way we have incorporated it into production is in a midi focused, digital way that is heavily inspired by 2000s video games such as Pokemon and Mario. For the album trailer we referenced many Digimon evolution sequences as I was a huge fan (and still am) of Digimon while growing up. I would say VVSS2 is about evolution.


──Tell me about your vision for the future.


SEBii – Honestly, I’m not quite sure haha. Just to keep creating the best art I can. I’ve spent the past couple of years working on VVSS2 and that has been like my big focus project, so I think afterwards I want to be more responsive and reactive with my releases and keep on evolving. I plan to travel Asia for a year, living in different cities for 3 months at a time, so I will live in Tokyo for 3 months later in the year which I’m really hyped about. Excited to work with my Japanese artist this year and keep evolving!




Label : Eastern Margins

Release Date: 13 March 2024



1.10 < 20 < 30 < 40 [prod. pipes + kimj]

2. PiiNUT [prod. pipes + kimj]

3. TiiKKA MASALA [prod. kimj + vvspipes + SEBii]

4.WAV [prod. vvspipes + kimj]

5. PHOTOGENiiC [prod. vvspipes + dynox + pinkgrillz + bighead]

6. PAPA + RAZii [prod. vvspipes + kimj + SEBii]

7. 3STRIPEss [prod. vvspipes + kimj + SEBii]

7. BLUff [prod. vvspipes + kimj]

9. CHESS_CHECKErr [prod. vvspipes + kimj]

10. FRENDS > ENEMii [prod. vvspipes + kimj]

11. SAPHiiRE [prod. vvspipes + kimj + SEBii]

12. RICH+FAMOUss [prod. vvspipes + kimj + SEBii]

13. BiiG+BEN [prod. vvspipes + kimj + SEBii]

14. MISSION iiMPOSSIBLE [prod. vvspipes + kimj + SEBii]

15. PiiMPGAME [prod. kimj + vvspipes]

16. DATINGApp [prod. vvspipes + kimj + SEBii]

17. DADADADaa [prod. kimj + vvspipes]

18. make it far [prod. kimj + vvspipes]


Mixed and Mastered by Sebastian DeMarino | Overall Artwork by SEBii | 3D Design by Y2KYLE

