Photographed by Snakepool
韓国・ソウルのライター/ミュージックメイカーSuk Hongがアルバム『a malicious witness to our viral memories.』をリリース。合わせてエッセイを公開。このエッセイはLegacy Russellの『Glitch Feminism』を韓国語で翻訳し、Muyeong Kimの展覧会に関する特集など、様々なメディアで執筆しているdianaに書いている。
dianaが書いた文章は、アルバムテーマ『befriending the ambiguity』に光を当ててくれたとSuk Hongは語る。このアルバムは、Suk Hongが特定のルールに従って書き、歪め、話した楽曲を圧縮したもの。”私のものは私のものではない” という現代のもう一つの現実として、再構成されたデータ社会について考察する意図が込められている。
Spirals, Circuity, and a bit of Bling – diana
At the break of dawn, I sense time as a tangible substance held in gentle billows of melancholic blue. Like an air pocket where the past and present collide in a dazed anticipation of the approaching day. It is in these moments of suspended yet meditative stillness that I find “a malicious witness to our viral memories” (2023) lingering. Suk Hong devises an alchemy of sound, capturing the gradation from the early twilight to the haze of artificial blue light glistening in the awakening city.
Each of the six tracks in the album contains its own microcosm–sonic landscapes melded together by superimposing layers of sounds, cut up and distorted. The lilting soundscapes are jagged in form, restless in movement, and grounds for identiless melodies to clash in dissonant harmony. Opening with ‘From Software to Hardform,’ pathways begin to form along the reverberations of high-pitched twangs and murmurings of elongated noise. I discern the notes as individual, embodied forms searching for their place in the sprawling expanse of a phantom acoustic world concocted by Hong. Patchy medleys strive toward spatial coherence.
The tracks are produced using various sounds from a vast repository of audio recordings made readily available online for purchase and use by different users. Hong harvests an array of instrumental music to build his composition. Creating an ensemble of wind and string instruments, he dissects “whole” sound as a sum of its parts. The structural form of the recording, such as the pitch, melody, rhythm, and timbre, is adjusted arbitrarily until unrecognizable to the original. Hong then laboriously sorts and categorizes the resulting altered sounds into folders with file names referencing their characteristics. The collection of distorted recordings rest untouched for some time. Such time away from the newly developed audio tracks is a wholly necessary step for the producer to gain agency of his subjectivity. Fermented in the timeless soil of the digital, the sounds become ingredients awaiting activation and re-arrangement to take its final form as packaged consumables.
Symptomatic of the contemporaneous generation, Hong’s production process can be understood through the lens of curation and abstraction; or a mimetic lyricism of his time, where music is essentialized to 15-second snippets and functions to accompany videos dramatizing, or romanticizing, the phenomena of the everyday. Songs loop in perpetuity and circulate in iterations among the boundless community of social users, who become fluent in a musical language of shared emotional vibrato. Music manipulates the visual, and the barrage of images and videos trigger auditory hallucinations. Hong employs this mutual language in the album. Particularly evident in ‘Maparam’ and ‘Built Ecologies,’ the intro and the organic drone sound in the tracks, respectively, are in fact complete songs compressed into mere seconds. Can music be conveyed as images, and can music be experienced in “full” within a matter of seconds?
Despite the well-rendered collage of sounds, a sense of unease permeates my skin. With no repetition of melody nor consistent beat, the tracks offer not a single hook of sentimentality to latch onto. Hong’s quick-witted editing ties together the plucking of bulbous arpeggios, the crass strokes of brush against the metallic grooves, and the swelling of ethereal chords stimulating the surrounding air with an unfamiliar atmospheric effervescence. Hong seems to play on the conditional reflex of musical innuendos that inundate our experience of the world mediated by media and its devices. He counteracts the circuitry of the digital where seamless connections rely on the generation and transmission of rapid, immediate, constant, and direct reactions.
At the same time, ‘We Sleep Where We Fall’ is a rare terrain where sound travels to tingle sensations, extending trails of empathy towards its listener. Against the grandiose legato of sustained bow strokes, Hong’s voice gently interjects halfway through. Akin to the way he edits instrumental recordings from varied sources, Hong sifts through his own writings and threads bits and pieces of disparate ideas loosely together. The resulting narration tenderly speaks of wanderings under the night sky, memories as frost on the ground from which flowers bloom, constellations as songs that will be forgotten, and the rubbing of one’s eyes shut to see further ahead. No matter its illogic, the string of surreal images harmonized with the music is conveyed with cinematic presence and cadence. Hong embraces the malice of “the cut;” literary and musical semantics are spliced together to instigate a surge of an all-consuming nostalgic reverence that tricks one to believe its manufactured beauty.
Dwelling as a brief, winding fissure between the tracks, ‘Welcome’ is an alley that leads to the airy blurs of the album’s finale, ‘Highrise of Homes.’ These last two tracks head toward a clash, where empathetic tenderness is cut short by audio data that have been reversed and that punctuate in curt streaks oozing every bit confident. Traversing the sonic landscape, the fleeting clusters of full-bodied notes surge forth with great momentum before spiraling back to the feathery undertones of the album’s beginning.
The first rays of the morning sun crack the blue-filtered solitude of dawn. Glints of light travel in exaggerated, linear lines along the grid plan–a motherboard, or a small universe. Hong’s production of music is a search for “pure,” elemental qualities of sound. And I am reminded of the mass extraction of minerals and energy that far precede our time on Earth, assembled and polished to become unitized mediators of our desire to remember, transmit, translate, and connect. All it takes is a bit of bling to remix the passing of time.
Suk Hong – a malicious witness to our viral memories.
Release date : April 25 2023
Mixed & Mastered by Angel Hair Audio
Stream : https://artists.landr.com/sukhong
Download : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9v9khrlbtz11r0u/AACyaMVOFPkjSd0q2B9fF2wZa?dl=0
01. From Software to Hardform
02. Maparam
03. We Sleep Where We Fall
04. Built Ecologies
05. Welcome
06. Highrise of Homes
tags:Suk Hong
乾いた心で過去を再訪する人へ ソウルを拠点に活動するポスト・クラシカル作曲家、Suk Hongが〈unseelie〉よりシングル「Three Movements For The Play Deprived」をリリース。 緻密なディテールで作り上げられた6分間のシングル。James FerraroかOneohtrix Point NeverかGyörgy Ligetiを横目で眺めながらオーケストラの壮大さと超近代的なサウンド・デザインを融合させる。Suk Hongのラップトップで作られた断片的なテクスチャーのグリッチな蜘蛛の巣を、偶発的な沈黙とともに縫い合わせ、魅惑的な聴覚体験を生み出す。不快の中に見出される逆説的な心地よさをテーマにした「Three Movements For The Play Deprived」は、ありふれたものの中に隠された魔法を捉える。 ペガサスに守られたオパールセントのダンスフロアの下で、悪夢のようなダンサーの群れに包まれながら、韓国・ソウル発の近未来マッサージチェア「ボディフレンド」に座るSukを描いた細密な三連画によって、この物語にさらに命が吹き込まれた。アートワークは、caro♡やHolly Waxing(PC Music)のジャケットで知られるビジュアルアーティストDian Liangが手がけた。 「この曲は、初めの一歩を踏み出そうとする人への賛歌であり、励ましであり、乾いた心で過去を再訪する人への道しるべとなる。個人の事情とは無関係に、広げた海岸線にトレーシングペーパーを敷くように、音符が並べられている。何世代にもわたって受け継がれてきた社会的約束のリズミカルなリズムは、私にはいつも独特に聞こえる。世界の鼓動は不規則です。揺れ、踊ることによってのみ、人は真にそれと調和して歩むことができる。」 インスピレーション源は: http://www.scholarpedia.org/article/Consequences_of_Play_Deprivation I do not dance I look awkward I do not drink I am too much I smile less my teeth are not aligned not too shabby my gut shines bright red down the pipe – Suk Hong Suk Hong – Three Movements for the Play
angelus参加 アトランタ在住のSSW、BabebeeがEP『tainted in our memories』をリリース。angelusをフィーチャーしたバージョンの「stranded」を含む7曲入り。プロデュースはsimon mがほぼ手掛けており、「sunset blvd」のみanem0sが担当。 Babebeeは、Imogen Heap、Björk、The xx、Frank Ocean、yeule、Charli XCX、Blood Orangeなどにインスピレーションを受けながらも、しっかりとBabebee的フィルターで濾過したアウトプットによりこれまでに2作のアルバムを制作してきた。これまでの方向性を踏まえながらも、本作ではポストハイパーなエレクトロニカの要素とオルタナティブロックの調合インディ最新モードプロダクションが彼女自身のロマンチックなハーモニーを支えている。 Babebee – tainted in our memories Label : The Honeypot / Lauren Records Release date : Feb 1st 2023 Cassette / Stream : https://lauren-records.ffm.to/tiom Tracklist 1. hate me 2. stranded 3. alone 4. sunset blvd 5. blame 6. tainted 7. stranded (feat. angelus)
カセット版限定発売 東京を拠点に活動する4人組エモ/インディーロックバンド、ANORAK!。年間ライヴ数は100本を超え、海外アクトのサポートやイベントにも多数出演、先日の〈FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL’24〉のROOKIE A GO-GOにも出演したANORAK!が2ndアルバム『Self-actualization and the ignorance and hesitation towards it』をリリース。 今回リリース後に行われる9月からのアジア、10月のアメリカ・ツアーで販売が予定されている今作のカセット版が、国内では音楽メディア/ダウンロード・サイトOTOTOYにてハイレゾ音源とセットで期間数量限定販売される。音源は購入後すぐにダウンロード可能となり、カセットは9月上旬を目処に発送を予定している。OTOTOYではこのリリースを記念し、結成から曲作り、そして大きく音楽性を変化させた今作についてたっぷりと話を訊いた彼らへの初インタヴューの公開が本日19時に公開される。 ANORAK! – Self-actualization and the ignorance and hesitation towards it Label : Shore&Woods Recordings Release date : August 17 2024 All songs, lyrics by spendmylifeup Recorded, mixed and mastered by Junta Hayashi Tracklist 01. Sonic 02. Joy 03. Username 04. Summertime 05. Pure Magic Pt.2 Album Version (feat. Mitch) 06. Word5 07. Twelve 08. Canary Album Version 09.